External Fundraising (Law Firms)

Fundraising from Law Firms

Many student groups depend on sponsorship from law firms to help support the cost of programs and events. All student organizations soliciting funds from law firms will submit a one paragraph fundraising proposal statement that will be included in the Chicago Law Partners brochure. The Office of External Affairs will send this brochure to local law firms on behalf of all student organizations. If student organizations wish to do their own outreach, they must follow the policies outlined below in order to request support from firms.

If law firms contact your organization about sponsorships outside of this process, you must email Brandi Welch Dean of Students to discuss. Sponsorships received from firms without approval may affect your organization's ability to continue to fundraise for the academic year and in the future.

Apply for Law Firm Sponsorship »

Steps to Apply for Law Firm Sponsorships:

  1. Research past giving to your group via your group’s transition documents. Keep in mind past sponsorships and feedback as you create your application.
  2. Complete a proposed programming list outlining the programs you would like funding to support. Your programming list should be separated into 3 categories:
    • Full Academic Year Sponsorship: recurring events, lunch talks, small receptions
    • Signature Event Sponsorship: one-time events, large-scale dinners, large annual events
  3. Write a short one-paragraph fundraising proposal statement that explains your student organization’s mission and provides a general description of your proposed programming. You may use your group's general description (found in the student organization directory), as the basis for this paragraph. If you are a new, or reactivated organization, you will need to create a new LSSO general description. In addition, include a general overview of the types of events you are planning for the year, and why you feel your programming is worthy of support. If you are proposing any signature events, provide an additional paragraph describing the event’s purpose, audience and impact. Keep this information concise and informative. This information will be included in the Chicago Law Partners booklet sent on your behalf by the Office of External Affairs.
  4. Upload your programming list and one-paragraph proposal statement through the Apply for Law Firm Sponsorship link above. 

Once Fundraising Proposals Have Been Approved:

  • Student Organizations will receive email notification from the Office of the Dean of Students and the Office of External Affairs once their fundraising proposal has been approved.
  • Student Organizations will receive a copy of the complete Chicago Law Partners brochure for their records. The brochure will be distributed by the Law School to firms.
  • There are two ways the firm will confirm their sponsorship of a student organization:
    • The Law School will receive the firm’s interest and will process the sponsorship. Funds will then be updated on the individual LSSO budget spreadsheet.
    • The LSSO will receive the firm’s interest. LSSOs should then notify Dean of Students.
  • Sponsorship gifts are tax deductible and will be sent by law firms directly to the Office of External Affairs to be processed. The Office of External Affairs will distribute sponsorship invoices to the law firms to include with their gift.
  • The Student Organization must provide the sponsorship recognition affiliated with the tier of the firm’s gift in a timely manner. Gifts tiers are below:

Full Academic Year Sponsorships:

Tier 1 – $500: Tier 1 sponsors will receive recognition in event communications and other digital platforms where the LSSO thanks their annual sponsors.

Tier 2 – $1,000: The same recognition as Tier 1. Tier 2 sponsors may have the opportunity to send representatives to speak at a sponsored student organization event. Tier 2 sponsors can attend events with other sponsoring firms.

Tier 3 – $2000: The same recognition as Tier 1 and Tier 2. Tier 3 sponsors will likely be offered an opportunity to speak or attend an event. The event may include other sponsors.

Signature Event Sponsorships:

Silver Tier – $2,500: Recognition in event communications, signage at the event, in event materials and on the Law School’s website.

Gold Tier – $5,000: The same recognition as Silver Tier. Gold Tier sponsors are also able to have 2-3 representatives attend the signature event.

Please contact Brandi Welch, Dean of Students, at deanofstudents@law.uchicago.edu with general firm funding questions.