ILS, HRLS, and PILS Present: Attorney Charity Ryerson on "The State of Human Rights Litigation in the United States"
Online-Only Law School Event
1111 East 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637
Presenting student organizations: International Law Society Public Interest Law Society
Charity Ryerson is the Executive Director and Founder of Corporate Accountability Lab. Before CAL, Charity litigated complex international human rights cases under the Alien Tort Statute, Torture Victim Protection Act and state tort law. Her passion for clean supply chains was ignited by the student anti-sweatshop movement, which occupied much of her time while pursuing her Political Science B.A. from Loyola Chicago. In 2003, she served six months in federal prison for civil disobedience at the U.S. Army School of the Americas, where she worked in a prison factory for 12 cents per hour. She has extensive experience in labor and human rights monitoring, anti-union violence investigations, and support for labor organizing in Central and South America. She graduated cum laude from Georgetown Law and is a member of the D.C. and Illinois bars. She is fluent in Spanish, has two rambunctious children, and loves Chicago enough to tolerate the brutal winters.