Meet the Class: Matt Davis, ’27

Former Navy Officer Ready to Dive into the Law

On a boat, Matt Davis looks into a sextant.

Matt Davis, ’27, isn’t completely new to UChicago. He attended the University’s Laboratory Schools from Kindergarten through 12th grade. After graduating from Bates College with a degree in philosophy, he went on to serve in the US Navy and ended up setting a record of most consecutive days at sea with his fellow crew members on the USS Stout, a result of the 2020 pandemic lockdown preventing them from docking. His experience in the Navy put a lot into perspective for Davis. He learned the true value of resilience and teamwork, and also—after a repair was made to his ship—had a lightbulb moment about lawyers and the real-world difference they can make.

Please describe your background and professional path.

I grew up in Chicago and attended K-12 school across the Midway at the University of Chicago Lab Schools. After graduating from Bates, I served as a naval officer onboard USS Stout in Norfolk, Virginia, first as the gunnery officer and then as navigator.

What key experiences have shaped you?

Stout deployed to the Middle East shortly before COVID and once everyone locked down, we couldn’t visit any ports. We set a Navy record of 215 consecutive days at sea. I learned about resilience and working under adverse conditions since much of what we did to keep the ship running normally required a port visit. The Navy taught me the importance of people and relationships in accomplishing anything, even under ideal conditions.

What motivated your decision to go to law school?

The decision was cemented when Stout was repaired after deployment. A private shipyard was contracted to do the heaviest work, so all potential contract violations were documented in case the Navy sued. Learning about the contracting process with litigation possibly looming opened my eyes to the role that lawyers specifically—and not just “the law”—play in shaping our lives.

Why did you select the University of Chicago Law School?

I enjoyed the liberal arts college experience as an undergraduate, so I appreciated the small class size and the faculty’s emphasis on teaching and accessibility. I also really value intellectual curiosity, and I knew that the Law School shared UChicago’s commitment to academic inquiry and exploration.

What do you plan to do with your legal education?

Some kind of litigation, be that in private practice or government service.

Matt Davis smiles at the camera.

What is the thing you are most looking forward to about being a law student?

I’m excited to meet and get to know my classmates!

What are some of your hobbies or interests?

I like cooking and trying new restaurants; I play golf and tennis (poorly) socially; and I’m always looking for movie recommendations. I grew up sailing on Lake Michigan and love anything on or by the water, even if it’s just hanging out at the lakefront.

What is a “fun fact” about you?

I think Chicago is the best city in America, and if you can spend a summer here and still don’t think so, I will give you a dollar.