Meet the Class: Sarah Beisner, ’27

Liberal Arts Grad Aims to Be an Advocate for Children

Sarah Beisner smiles at the camera.

Originally from Denton, Texas, Sarah Beisner, ’27, is starting at the Law School with her heart set on helping children within the legal system—a goal inspired by her work as a paralegal at Children’s Rights in New York City. Having graduated from Grinnell College in 2022 with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and Spanish, Beisner is excited to be back in the classroom again and engage in the Law School’s intellectually vibrant “life of the mind.”

Please describe your background and professional path.

While in college, I engaged in a lot of direct service and policy work to support children and families experiencing poverty and/or abuse. After college, I spent two years working as an impact litigation paralegal at Children’s Rights in NYC.

What key experiences have shaped you?

Two key experiences that have pushed me towards law school are my time working at a psychiatric residential treatment center for youth while in college and my time as a paralegal at Children’s Rights, where I worked on litigation to improve the conditions, and reduce the use, of similar facilities.

What motivated your decision to go to law school?

I believe the legal system can be a really effective tool to hold governments and institutions accountable for harms they cause to communities and to push forward positive change. And while there are certainly other ways to have an impact, I feel like being an attorney really aligns with my skills and the type of work I enjoy doing.

Why did you select the University of Chicago Law School?

I really enjoyed attending a liberal arts college for my undergraduate education and felt like the UChicago Law School’s emphasis on the “life of the mind” really mirrors that education. I’m also excited about the flexibility of the quarter system and being able to take more classes across disciplines.

What do you plan to do with your legal education?

Broadly, I hope to use my legal education to meaningfully improve the experiences of children and families in our society so that families have the resources and support they need to raise their children in healthy and safe communities. More specifically, I feel like that could mean providing individual representation or doing impact litigation, in many different areas of law.

What is the thing you are most looking forward to about being a law student?

I’m really excited to attend the different talks and events that go on at the Law School. What I’ve missed most since graduating undergrad are the constant opportunities to engage with new ideas and perspectives, and I’m looking forward to being in a university environment again.

Sarah Beisner poses with a dog with a vista behind them.

What are some of your hobbies or interests?

I really love being outside and moving my body: running, biking, climbing, swimming, etc. Recently, I’ve been trying to pick up more passive indoor hobbies; for example, I recently took a sewing class and have been sewing a few new pieces of clothing.

What is a “fun fact” about you?

I really love public transportation, so much so that I spent part of my birthday last year at a transit museum and have (accidentally) memorized the entire NYC subway map.