Meet the Class: Margaret Lim, ’27

Human Welfare Advocate with a Global Mindset Aims to Harness the Law

Margaret Lim smiles for the camera with a mountainous background.

Margaret, Lim, ’27, is a graduate of Cornell University where she double majored in government and English. A proud daughter of Filipino immigrant parents, Lim grew up in Searcy, Arkansas, later traveling to England to study at Oxford University. Her experience abroad was illuminating; it inspired her interest in global issues and communities. Now at UChicago Law, she hopes to use her legal education to advocate for human welfare around the world.

Please describe your professional background and path.

I grew up in a small town in Arkansas before heading to Cornell for college. Researching the diverse struggles of immigrants sparked my interest in finding solutions for social issues, and I moved to England to pursue an MPhil (Master of Philosophy in Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation) at the University of Oxford.

What key experiences have shaped you?

Living in Oxford, with its vibrant international community, exposed me to opinions, ideas, and perspectives I had not encountered before. This exchange of information has inspired my interest in global issues and the collaborations needed to solve complex, systemic problems.

What motivated your decision to go to law school?

I hope to harness the power of words to protect global communities. I know that law school will provide the intellectual challenge and practical skills I need to achieve my goals.

Why did you select the University of Chicago Law School?

Crescat scientia; vita excolatur. “Let knowledge grow from more to more and so be human life enriched.” The school motto resonates deeply with me, and I look forward to being in a community that promotes interdisciplinary learning, discussion and respect of various beliefs, and learning for learning’s sake.

What do you plan to do with your legal education?

While I am eager to explore the many facets of legal education at UChicago Law and am open to an array of possibilities, I am currently interested in how research, legal systems, and social services can promote human welfare and protect populations. I am excited to gain insight from the Law School community as I navigate my career path.

What is the thing you are most looking forward to about being a law student?

I most look forward to learning from my professors and peers as well as engaging with all of the topics, skills, and knowledge that the Law School has to offer! I cannot wait to engage with an enriching and vibrant community full of legal scholars and students.

What are some of your hobbies or interests?

In my free time, I enjoy exploring new places, reading books, going on nature walks, and spending time with family and friends. I also like searching for the best pad Thai spot.

What is a “fun fact” about you?

I am scuba diving certified! When I was fourteen years old, I visited my parents’ home country, the Philippines. We explored my Lola’s backyard full of coral reefs. I would love to dive there again and explore other aquatic ecosystems in the world, like the Great Barrier Reef.

Anything else you’d like to share?

I am a proud daughter of loving, hard-working immigrant parents who have been champions of my education and inspired me to use my skills to better humanity. I am grateful to them, as well as all my family, friends, professors, and mentors who support me.