Meet the Class: Alec Hubbard, ’26
Former Air Force Officer Lands in Law School

A graduate of the US Air Force Academy, Alec Hubbard, ’26, spent the last six years as an officer in the US Air Force, primarily working on maintaining fighter jets. From a military family, he has spent substantial time living abroad. Hubbard considers Colorado Springs to be his home city.
Please describe your background and professional path.
I grew up with both my parents serving in the Air Force meaning that I lived all around the world. By the time I graduated high school, I had spent nearly as much time outside the United States as within it. I followed in my parent’s footsteps by joining the Air Force which took me throughout Europe, the Pacific, and the Arctic. For the past six years, I have been an aircraft maintenance officer primarily working on F-22 fighter jets.
What motivates your decision to go to law school?
Ever since I was a child, I loved debating and challenging ideas (much to the dismay of my mom); so, a career where I get to constantly debate and attempt to persuade people is a dream come true. Not only will I get to do what I love, but I will also be able to help and advocate for others while doing it.
Why did you select the University of Chicago Law School?
UChicago Law is known for its commitment to academic and intellectual freedom. All topics are open to debate because they believe that is how the best ideas are discovered. I want to learn from as many different perspectives as possible and the Law School seems like the best place to do that.
What do you hope to do with your legal education?
I plan to start by working in criminal justice reform, helping to improve America’s legal system and being a voice for those who are not heard. Eventually, I hope to get into politics to continue to advocate and be a voice for other people.
What are you looking forward to about being a law student?
I’m excited for the classroom debates and discussions with other people who are passionate about learning the law. I cannot wait to “nerd-out” with my classmates about nuanced topics that other people would probably fall asleep thinking about.
What are some of your hobbies or interests?
If it is outdoors, I love doing it. Hiking and camping during the summer, and skiing and snowmobiling during the winter is how I love to spend my free time. My first assignment in the Air Force was Alaska, so I spent as much time as possible exploring its wilderness.
What is a “fun fact” about you?
I am 29 and have never had college ramen. I have eaten some Spicy Miso Ramen from a Sushi restaurant, but my husband said it doesn’t count unless I’m buying it from the local Walmart for 30 cents a pack. He thinks law school is a perfect redemption moment for this staple of a college “experience.”
Anything else you’d like to share?
I’m a sucker for a good coffee shop and microbrewery.