Genevieve Lakier on President Trump and Google News
Why Trump can't do anything about Google News
President Donald Trump has a complicated relationship with the media. Outside of Fox News, the president seems to believe that most, if not all, news organizations are biased against him and his administration. On Tuesday, though, Trump set his sights on Google.
In an early-morning tweet, the president claimed that Google News only shows news from the “National Left-Wing Media;” suggested that doing so might be illegal; alleged that “Google and others” are “suppressing voices of Conservatives;” and asserted that the situation “will be addressed.”
But even if Trump’s claims were accurate, there’s little he could actually do to change what Google shows its users.
“Under current statutory and constitutional law, it is absolutely not illegal for a private media company like Google News to show only certain kinds of news—left-leaning, right-leaning, you name it,” Genevieve Lakier, an assistant law professor at the University of Chicago’s law school, told Yahoo Finance.
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