Aziz Huq Discusses Trump’s First Five Weeks in Office

What’s Going On in the United States???

Donald Trump has been president for five weeks now. In light of the blizzard of executive orders, funding and hiring cuts, endless nominations and appointments, and above all the nonstop controversial policy declarations on every imaginable topic (and some of which literally are unimaginable), it seems like months or even years.

It’s already clear that President Trump intends to change, not only how Washington and the United States work, but how the whole world works.

No president has ever started with this much activity, for better and for worse. The American custom is to wait to the hundred-day mark to assess the launch of a new presidency. But all this frenetic and even radical activity justifies an earlier stocktaking. 

To do that, the Tällberg Foundation recently convened a webinar. Alan Stoga, Tällberg’s chairman, engaged in an extended conversation with Aziz Huq, professor of constitutional law at the University of Chicago, and Scott Miller, a leading strategist for businesses, politicians, and governments in the U.S. and globally.

Read more at New Thinking for a New World