Class of 2025 Gift Campaign

We hope you will join the members for your class in supporting the Class of 2025 Gift Campaign. Please find more information about the campaign below.

Make your gift today


What is the Class of 2025 Gift Campaign?

The Class of 2025 Gift Campaign is a student-led initiative supporting the Law School Annual Fund. Members of the Class of 2025 join together to make a Class Gift, a collective class contribution to the Law School. The Class Gift focuses on participation, not dollars raised. It is the act of giving that is important – gifts of any size make a big difference.

What is the Class Gift supporting?

The Class Gift provides general support, scholarship support, and clinical support to the Law School.

See this list for additional funds to which students may wish to designate their gift. 

Student Organization Support

If you have a favorite student organization to which you would like to contribute, your donation will be allocated to the organization's budget for the following school year.

The Wolf Family Student Philanthropy Fund, supported by Chuck Wolf ’75, Peter Wolf ’10 and Erin Wagner Wolf ’10, will also match $100 for every gift -- of any size -- to a student organization. 

When making a gift to a student organization online, under Area of Support please check the box labeled “I’d like to enter my own designation”. Type in “Law School Student Activities Fund”, and at the bottom of the page in the Special Instructions section, please designate the student organization to which you would like to give.

Scholarship Support

The Elements Fund for Student Scholarship was established by an anonymous donor in 2018 to provide scholarship support for deserving students at the Law School.

General Support

The Law School Annual Fund supports every aspect of life at the Law School, from classroom instruction and research to moot court competition and mentoring programs. Your gift to the Annual Fund will: support the daily operations of the Law School; provide scholarship assistance to students; support student services, activities, and publications; help us attract and retain outstanding faculty; allow for timely attention to high priority needs; provide for the maintenance of our building facilities; and supply computing and library resources for faculty and students.

Clinical Support

The Mandel Legal Aid Clinic Fund provides resources and clinical staff to support the more than 130 students enrolled in our clinics, who deliver more than 16,300 hours of free services to low-income Chicago residents. By making a gift to the Mandel Legal Aid Clinic, you are providing both direct and indirect operational support to all of the clinics at the Law School.

The Wolf Family Student Philanthropy Fund, supported by Chuck Wolf ’75, Peter Wolf ’10 and Erin Wagner Wolf ’10, will also match $100 for every gift -- of any size -- to the Mandel Legal Aid Clinic.

How much should I give? 

Because we focus on participation, the act of giving is what's important. In honor of our class, we suggest of gift of $20.25, but a donation of any size will make a big impact by helping our class to reach its participation goal.

How do I designate where I would like my gift to go?

If the designation for your gift to a specific fund or student organization does not appear in the drop down menu on the online giving form, please follow the instructions below:

A specific fund:
If you wish to allocate your gift to a fund that is not listed on the gift envelope or in the drop down of the online giving form, under Areas of Support, select the option “I'd like to enter my own designation” and type in the name of the specific fund in the text field. You may also add additional notes under the Special Instructions section at the bottom of the form. 

Student Organization:
When making a gift to a student organization on the online giving form, under Area of Support select the box labeled “I’d like to enter my own designation” and type in “Law School Student Activities Fund." At the bottom of the page in the Special Instructions section, please designate the student organization to which you would like to give.

Isn't my tuition enough?

Tuition covers the day-to-day expenses for only half a school year. When tuition runs out, that's when philanthropic support kicks in. Tuition also doesn't allow for any growth.

How do I become involved?

There are multiple ways to become involved. 

  • Attend Class of 2025 events
    Events are determined by the Graduating Students Committee and will be announced in the Winter and Spring quarters. 
  • Make your gift
    The size of the gift does not matter, just that you participate! You can make your gift today online or in-person by filling out a form and giving via credit card, check, or cash during a Class Gift Campaign event or Committee tabling in the Green Lounge. 

What if I have more questions?

Please contact Anna Jenkins, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations, at with any questions.