Diversity and Inclusion Resources
The University of Chicago Law School is committed to diversity and inclusion and aspires to create a learning environment welcome to all. Listed below are Law School and University resources dedicated to fostering and promoting diversity with the University of Chicago community. To learn how to file a report related to matters touching upon diversity, please see File a Report.
Law School Resources
- Affinity Mentoring Programs
- Law School Bias Report Form
- Law School Diversity Committee
- Law School Affinity Organizations
- Outside Scholarships with a Diversity Component
- Students with Families
- Assistance for Students with Disabilities
- Civil Rights and Police Accountability Law Library Resources
- Emergency UChicago Dining Commons Access Form
University Resources
Several services are aimed at providing tools and guidance to help students understand their options and to answer logistical questions.
- Reflections on Race: A Multimedia Resource Guide - A guide on Black history, diversity, antiracism, and racism.
- Bias Education & Support Team (BEST) - Made up of administrators who are available to support and guide students seeking assistance in determining how to handle a bias incident.
- Campus & Student Life, Diversity & Inclusion - A comprehensive collection from the Office of Campus and Student Life containing policies, support and resources, incident reporting guidelines, and initiatives.
- For Women at the University - Promotes a University environment that recruits and retains the most highly qualified female academics.
- Office of International Affairs - Enhances the University’s vibrant international community and fosters cross-cultural experience by welcoming, supporting, and strengthening diversity through advocacy and holistic service.
- Student Disability Services - Facilitates the full participation of students with a disability in the life of the University.
- Student Support Services - Utilizes a holistic approach to create an environment in which undocumented, low-income and/or first-generation, students can thrive and succeed on campus
- Undocumented Students - Information and resources from the Office of Campus and Student Life related to undocumented student issues at the University of Chicago.
- Veterans Service - Through the University Registrar, provides advising and scholarship information for U.S. veterans.
Offices & Organizations
- Diversity Advisory Council
- Equal Opportunity Programs
- Modus Vivendi Society
- Office of LGBTQ Student Life - Serves lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer, and questioning students and allies from across the University in order to create an inclusive and safe community, providing educational, social, and professional opportunities and resources.
- Office of Multicultural Student Affairs - Supports the academic success of students of color at the University of Chicago and works to build an inclusive campus community.
- Research Centers & Projects
- Spiritual Life Office - Connects students of every faith to resources on campus and in the community at large, including student groups, places of worship, and events.
- The Student Ombudsperson is an independent University official appointed by (and reporting to) the University President. The Ombudsperson is responsible for investigating and helping to resolve student complaints and grievances, particularly in instances where regular channels or processes have not proved sufficient.
- University Student Organizations
View more resources at the University's Diversity website.
Bar Association Resources
There are several national, state and Chicago area bar associations with a focus on various aspects of diversity. For a list of diversity bar associations, click here.