Constitutional Law Institute

First Annual UChicago Constitutional Law Conference - May 16, 2025

Join us as we bring together constitutional law scholars from across the country and feature robust debates and discussions on various constitutional law topics from both established and emerging scholars. The overall theme of the conference will alternate between issues of individual rights (including equality rights) and issues of constitutional structure (such as the separation of powers and federalism). This first annual conference will focus on the theme of individual rights.

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The Constitutional Law Institute supports research and scholarship on longstanding constitutional issues as an integral part of the Law School’s scholarly and research mission. The Institute also shares the Law School’s commitment to free speech and intellectual inquiry that is independent of partisan fashions. The Institute promotes rigorous analysis of constitutional issues and then shares those ideas more broadly with the general public.

Since the Institute’s launch, it has hosted numerous events and activities, as well as produced two multi-season podcasts: Dissenting Opinions and Divided Argument. The Institute hosts a yearly schedule of roundtables, conferences, and podcast events, and plans to welcome visiting scholars in the coming years. Professor William Baude leads the Institute.


An unscheduled, unpredictable Supreme Court podcast by Will Baude and Dan Epps, sponsored by the Constitutional Law Institute

Constitutional Law Institute 2023-2024 Annual Report
Read the report
The Faculty Podcast Experiments A whole lot can happen when law professors are supplied with podcast equipment—especially when they delve into concepts that are not easy to understand, the political climate is tense, and they know the podcasts will likely be downloaded by tens of thousands of people, including students of all ages and backgrounds.

William Baude

Harry Kalven Jr. Professor of Law and Faculty Director, Constitutional Law Institute