
Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics Research Paper Series

The University of Chicago, Coase-Sandor Institute for Law & Economics Research Paper Series publishes papers in law and economics authored by University of Chicago faculty.

Journal of Law and Economics

Aaron Director founded the Journal of Law and Economics in 1958. One of Ronald Coase’s goals in joining the Law School faculty in 1963 was to use the journal to bridge between economics and the law. The JLE publishes research on a broad range of topics including the economic analysis of regulation and the behavior of regulated firms, the political economy of legislation and legislative processes, law and finance, corporate finance and governance, and industrial organization. The JLE has published some of the most influential and widely cited articles in these areas. The journal is published quarterly.

Journal of Legal Studies

Richard Posner started the Journal of Legal Studies in 1972. It provides a forum for interdisciplinary research into the operation of legal systems and institutions. The Journal of Legal Studies emphasizes social science approaches, especially those of economics, political science, and psychology, but it also publishes the work of historians, philosophers, and others who are interested in legal theory. The journal publishes two regular issues each year plus occasional special issues.