Summer School in Law and Economics
Photographs by Lloyd DeGrane

The students snapped many photographs during lectures and presentations.

Professor Omri Ben-Shahar is Director of the Institute for Law and Economics.

Most of the scholars were legal academics, with some economists too.

Professor Saul Levmore taught his course, Property Rights and Public Choice.

The students also had some time to explore Chicago.

A ping-pong player unwinds after the first day of classes.

Professor Richard Epstein delivered a lunchtime talk in the Green Lounge.

Professor Martha Nussbaum spoke on human welfare and economics.

It became tradition for the students to take a photograph with each teacher.

Judge Richard Posner talked about judicial behavior.

The students definitely went home with a lot of photographs.

The students with Professors Coase and Ben-Shahar and Dean Michael Schill.

The students gave Coase several rounds of applause.

The Nobel Prize winner shared dinner with students.

Guoqiang Yang, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China to Chicago.

The students had many questions and classes often ran longer than planned.

Professor Lee Fennell listened to students present their own research.

Professor Bill Landes talked judicial behavior from an economist's perspective.

Lecturer in Law Richard Sandor signs his new book for a student.

A group of the students after Coase's lunchtime talk.

The program ended with a barbeque in Ben-Shahar's backyard.
Seventy-two scholars traveled halfway around the world to study at the Law School during the inaugural Chicago Summer School in Law and Economics. Read more about the program.