Pie Day 2013
Photographs by Meredith Heagney

Susan Curry and Abbie Willard were among many administrators who served pie.

The students formed two eager lines, waiting for 12:15 p.m.

Finally, students got their pick of the pie.

1Ls enjoyed their first Pie Day; 2Ls and 3Ls came back for more.

Three enormous tubs of whipped cream...will it be enough?

Soon, the Green Lounge was full of students catching up with friends.

Pie Day was exactly one week before Thanksgiving.

The Office of the Dean of Students ordered 75 pies for the occasion.

Assistant Dean for Communications Marsha Nagorsky called out the flavors.

Aican Nguyen's apron says, "Where fun comes to dine."

Some students paired their pie with studying.

Besides apple, the pie flavors were pumpkin and pecan.

This student showed up just before the lines were reopened for seconds.

Apple pie proved the most popular.

Associate Director of Admissions Annette Moore at her first Pie Day.

The whipped cream didn't last long.

Only at the Law School: Pie and Constitutional Law.
The Ex Ante Thanksgiving Celebration, more commonly known as "Pie Day," is an annual pre-Thanksgiving tradition at the Law School. It was held on November 21, 2013.