Musical 2011: Law School Is a Cabaret
Photographs by Lloyd DeGrane

This year's show was modeled after the musical "Cabaret."

Matt Kopko, '11, prepares for the stage.

The Law School draws upon its talented students to form the band.

The Law School draws upon its talented students to form the band.

Evan Berkow, '11, checks the digital clips that will be projected to a large screen.

Students singing a duet.

Juliet Summers, '11

Students create all the costumes and set props.

Professors traditionally are parodied in the musical.

Monica Castro, '12, brought the Law School's artwork to life.

Professor Adam Cox waits off stage for his cameo.

Monica Betancourt, '11

Students assume their poses.

Val Byrne, '13 and Miles Chan, '12

The musical cast showing their strength.

The entire cast takes a bow.
Photographs of the 2011 Law School Musical: Law School Is a Cabaret