Looking Back at the Class of 2018

Michael Galdes, Makar Gevorkian, Harrison Scheer, and Gabi Libin, all '18, kicked off their Law School experience posing by the Levin Reflecting Pool at the Entering Students Dinner in September 2015.

The Class of 2018 was the second to participate in the Kapnick Leadership Development Initiative, which included a day of team-building activities on a ropes course west of Chicago.

During Fall Quarter of their 1L year, then-FBI Director James Comey, '85, spoke at the Law School. Students packed the auditorium to hear him participate in a Q&A with Ruby Garrett, '16.

Carina Kan and Victoria Jones Yilmaz, both '18, chatted with an alum during a Women's Mentoring Program event.

That winter, members of the Class of 2018 attended their first CLF auction. The theme was "Carnival." Here, Andrew Hosea, '18, bids on an item during the live auction.

Winter brought opportunities for outdoor fun, too. Tom Molloy and Jandi Heagen, both '18, ice skated on the Midway.

In the spring, 1L students interacted with lawyers at the annual firm●wise event.

President Barack Obama visited the Law School in April 2016. After a discussion with Professor David Strauss, Obama took questions from students. Amelia Garza-Mattia, ’18, asked about efforts to address mass incarceration.

After Spring Quarter exams, students wrapped up their first year with a summer barbecue in the Green Lounge.

Classes were, of course, a big part of the experience—but so were the conversations students had with their peers in the Green Lounge and the hallways.

In the fall of 2016, students who were part of the Law School's Doctoroff Business Leadership Program attended a reception at Robie House.

The 2017 CLF Auction had a '90's theme ("Bid Me Baby One More Time"). Here, Professor Anthony Casey reviews the auction program with Sami Bronner, '18.

In February, the students marked their midway point at the Law School with a longstanding 2L tradition: the Midway Dinner. The event featured a speech delivered by Professor Adam Chilton.

The 2017 Law School Musical, "UChicago, Where Are You?", featured a Scooby-Doo-themed plot. Yogini Patel, '18, portrayed the president of the Federalist Society.

During the Fall Quarter of their 3L year, Merrick Garland, Chief Judge of the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, visited the Law School as part of the Edward Levi Distinguished Visiting Jurist program. His former law clerk, Justin Driver, interviewed him.

Just before Thanksgiving, students told us about the things that inspired gratitude. For Zoe Kam and Katie Ryan, both '18, it was each other.

The Class of 2018's last CLF auction had a casino theme.

Their last Law School Musical was a parody of "The Wizard of Oz" called "The Wizard of Lawz II: Electric Boogaloo." Jordan Hill, '18, who played Dorothy's dog Totosner, sang a ballad to Nobel Laureate Ronald Coase.

Kathleen Martini, '18, played Martha Nussbaum, the Good Witch of the Left.

During Winter Quarter 2018, Piper Pehrson, '18, was one of eight students who served as teaching assistants in a class on students' constitutional rights that Professor Emily Buss taught to 16 high school students.

In February, BLSA hosted its first Judge James B. Parsons Legacy Dinner. The Honorable Ann C. Williams, the first and only Black woman to be appointed as a judge to the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, was honored as the first recipient of the James B. Parson Legacy Award.

Spring brought the Hinton Moot Court Finals. Here, Abigail Majane and Tate Wines, both '18, talked about their oral arguments shortly before being announced as the winners of the 2018 competition.

Members of the Class of 2018 celebrated their upcoming graduation at the Graduating Students Dinner.

Congratulations to the JD Class of 2018...

And congratulations to the LLM Class of 2018!
On June 9, the Law School's Class of 2018 will graduate. From the Entering Students Dinner in 2015 to the Graduating Students Dinner last month, this class has bid for items at CLF auctions, performed in Law School Musicals, learned from countless distinguished speakers—including former FBI Director James Comey, '85, and President Obama—and formed relationships with fellow classmates that will last a lifetime. Here is a look at just a few of the moments that have shaped the Class of 2018.