A Look Back at the Law School Musical

1984 - Lawyers in Love
1984 - Lawyers in Love
1985 - Return of the J.D.
1985 - Return of the J.D.
1986 - Oedifice Lex
1986 - Oedifice Lex
1989 - All's Hell That Ends Mel
1989 - All's Hell That Ends Mel
1990 - Dangerous Litigations
1990 - Dangerous Litigations
1992 - The Wizard of Laws
1992 - The Wizard of Laws
1993 - A Corpus Line
1993 - A Corpus Line
1995 - Damn Lawyers
1995 - Damn Lawyers
1999 - Raiding Places
1999 - Raiding Places
2006 - Nightmare on 60th Street
2006 - Nightmare on 60th Street
2007 - The Borat Parody with the Long Title
2007 - The Borat Parody with the Long Title
2009 - Chicago First: A Musical We Can Believe In!
2009 - Chicago First: A Musical We Can Believe In!
2011 - Law School is a Cabaret
2011 - Law School is a Cabaret

Photographs of the Law School Musical over the years.