Students performing the opening number in their annual musical, this year titled "Amy Gardner's Day Off." The original piece follows the fictional election of a Law School Dean as Dean of Students Amy Gardner takes a day off.
In this scene, students playing Professors Emily Buss, Martha Nussbaum, Lee Fennell, and Genevieve Lakier sing about ambition.
Students playing Professor Aziz Huq and Professor Jennifer Nou enjoy a day out with their babies.
Students perform "Sedition," a piece about different factions at the Law School.
A student actor becomes her character, Professor Emily Buss.
A student portrays Dean of Students Amy Gardner dealing with students yelling their concerns at her.
A student playing Professor Randy Picker gets stuck removing his sweater.
Students playing various professors sing, "We Need a Dean."
A student playing Strahilevitz is lifted up during "Just Wait Can't to Be Dean."
A student playing Professor Geoffrey R. Stone conducts a microphone check—in character.
Students playing Clinical Instructor Erica Zunkel and Clinical Professor Alison Siegler lament the departure of former Dean Michael Schill.
A student playing Professor R.H. Helmholz talks to a member of FedSoc.
A "public interest student" and "BigLaw student" talk to two 1Ls students.
Students rehearse "Good Citations," a dance choreographerd by Ruby Garrett, '16.
Students perform "Shut Up and Vote Strahi," a number in which students discuss how to convince Professor Lior Strahilevitz to run for dean.
A student playing Professor Todd Henderson talks about why he would make a great dean.
Director Bette Muirhead, '16, who also played Gardner, and Assistant Directors Joe Egozi, '17, and Peter Hegel, '17, pose with the real Amy Gardner before the performance.