Graduation 2015
Photographs by Lloyd DeGrane

The graduates face the stage at the 523rd University of Chicago Convocation.

Graduates stay cool during the University's outdoor convocation.

Members of the Class of 2015 process into the University Convocation.

LLMs pose for a picture before the University Convocation.

The University Convocation takes place right before the Law School's Diploma & Hooding Ceremony.

The JD Class of 2015 on the Main Quad for the University Convocation.

Law School graduates are all smiles on their graduation day.

The graduates pose for a photo in their maroon robes, right before the Diploma & Hooding Ceremony.

A few LLMs take a snapshot during a brief moment of free time.

Faculty members begin the procession into Rockefeller Chapel.

A bird's eye shot of the Diploma & Hooding Ceremony.

The JD Class of 2015 before receiving their hoods and diplomas.

Dean Schill addresses the Class of 2015.

Members of the JD Class of 2015 at the beginning of the Diploma & Hooding Ceremony.

James Comey, '85, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, received the Distinguished Alumnus Award and delivered marks at the Diploma & Hooding Ceremony.

David A. Strauss, Gerald Ratner Distinguished Service Professor of Law, gives faculty remarks.

Members of the faculty enjoy the speeches at the Diploma & Hooding Ceremony.

The Class of 2015 awaits receiving their hoods and diplomas.

Mateo Aceves is hooded by Professor Levmore and Professor Nou.

Brothers Christopher and Valdemar Washington were each other's Family Hooders.

Graduates of the Law School applaud in their hoods after the ceremony.

Faculty members congratulate the Class of 2015.

Graduates leave Rockefeller Chapel to join family and friends after the ceremony ends.

After the Diploma & Hooding Ceremony, everyone heads to the Law School for a reception to honor the Class of 2015.
Read the text of graduation speeches by James B. Comey and David A. Strauss.