Graduation 2013
Photographs by Lloyd DeGrane

The day started with University Commencement.

Dave Kurczewski, '13, enjoyed the speakers.

The footwear was as varied as the graduates wearing it.

The law graduates moved to Rockefeller Chapel for their hooding ceremony.

Distinguished alumnus and Deputy Mayor Steve Koch, '82, spoke to the graduates.

Rockefeller was jam-packed with graduates and their loved ones.

Professor Saul Levmore talked about individuality versus teamwork.

The views in Rockefeller never disappoint.

Dean of Students Amy Gardner read the names of the JDs.

Sheri Lewis and other faculty members looked on.

Rebecca Horwitz, '13, is hooded by Professors Baird and LaCroix.

Students left Rockefeller with their diplomas, their hoods, and big smiles.

Professor Levmore and Dean Schill applaud the new graduates.

The students said they were thrilled to be new alumni.

Dean of Students Amy Gardner congratulated many graduates individually.

Several of the JDs who now have multiple University of Chicago degrees.

Chris Mortorff, '13, and his family.

The mood was jubilant as graduates posed on the reflecting pool.

In the library, Dean Schill honored the Kirkland & Ellis Scholars.

Kirkland & Ellis Scholars are recognized for outstanding academic performance.

Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs Dick Badger with a handful of LLMs.

LLMs toss their mortarboards in the air.

Graduates cherished final moments with their law school buddies.

Tiffany Phan, '13, and her proud family.

For parents and other close loved ones, this was their accomplishment too.

Relatives came in droves, armed with cameras and flowers.

Graduation is one of the happiest days of the year at the Law School.
Graduation was on June 15, 2013.