Graduation 2012
Photographs by Lloyd DeGrane

David Avraham was hooded by Professors Aziz Huq and Geoffrey Stone on June 8.

Avraham and Aaron Katz took part in a smaller hooding ceremony offered June 8.

The graduating students and their families enjoyed one last Wine Mess.

The LLMs line up on June 9.

The day brought many opportunities to process.

Law students graduated with other Chicago students on the Main Quad.

It was a warm day to wear a robe.

The mood among the new JDs was cheery, to say the least.

Proud parents embraced their children after graduation.

New JDs spent time together one last time before they disperse around the world.

Prof. Saul Levmore and Dean Michael Schill enter Rockefeller Chapel.

The faculty process into Rockefeller Chapel.

Daniel Doctoroff, '84, was honored with the Distinguished Alumnus Award.

Professor R.H. Helmholz offered remarks.

The Diploma and Hooding Ceremony was just for the Law School.

The students waited for their names to be called.

Each graduate received lots of applause.

Some graduates were hooded by family members who were also alumni.

Armed with diplomas and hoods, the graduates were all smiles.

The Class of 2012 enjoys some well-deserved applause.

The faculty lined up outside Rockefeller to congratulate the new graduates.

Family and friends expressed great pride in the new graduates.

Loved ones came to Chicago from all over the country to celebrate.

A whole lot of photos were taken on graduation day.

After the hooding ceremony, it was back to the Law School for a reception.

The reflecting pool provided a much-needed cool-off.

Some families came armed with flowers for new graduates.

Despite the heat, many graduates were proud to keep their robes on.
Read, hear, or watch remarks from the Hooding ceremony.