Justice Clint Bolick, "The Free Market, Economic Liberty, and State Constitutions"

Justice Clint Bolick serves on the Arizona Supreme Court. He was appointed by Governor Doug Ducey on January 6, 2016. Previously, he was the the Vice President for Litigation at the Goldwater Institute.

In a recent profile, the New York Times said that Bolick is “known for his aggressive litigation to defend individual liberties.” He has argued and won cases in the United States Supreme Court, the Arizona Supreme Court, and state and federal courts from coast to coast. He has won landmark precedents defending school choice, freedom of enterprise, and private property rights and challenging corporate subsidies and racial classifications.

In 2003, American Lawyer recognized Bolick as one of three lawyers of the year for his successful defense of school choice programs, culminating in Zelman v. Simmons-Harris in the U.S. Supreme Court. In 2009, Legal Times named Bolick one of the “90 Greatest D.C. Lawyers in the Past 30 Years.” Bolick received one of the freedom movement’s most prestigious awards, the Bradley Prize, in 2006 for advancing the values of democratic capitalism. He is a graduate of Drew University and received his J.D. from the University of California Davis School of Law.

Presented by the Federalist Society on January 31, 2017.