Christopher Lentz

Christopher Lentz

Lecturer in Law

Christopher Lentz has worked for 15 years in international tribunals, where he has gained experience in international criminal law and procedure, public international law and diplomacy, and related fields of international law.

He currently serves as a Legal Officer in the Office of the President of the United Nations International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT), the successor institution to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). Previously, he held positions supporting the work of the Office of the Prosecutor of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (2018–2019), the ICTY Office of the President (2017), the ICTY Immediate Office of the Registrar (2014–2017), the Appeals Chambers of the ICTR, ICTY, and IRMCT (2013–2014), and ICTR Trial Chambers (2009–2013).

Over the course of his career, Christopher has drawn upon his experiences residing in Chile, the Netherlands, Tanzania, Thailand, and the United States. He holds a Doctor of Law degree from the University of Chicago Law School, where he was a member of both The University of Chicago Law Review and the Chicago Journal of International Law.