Exam Procedures

Winter 2025 Exam Software

Video: Take-Home Exam Instructions


Exam4 Information Sessions:

Friday, Feb. 28 at 12:15-1:20 p.m. Room III (lunch provided RSVP)

Wednesday, March 5 at 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Room II RSVP


Exam4 Download for Winter 2025

Download Site


Frequently Asked Questions



Law School examinations are graded anonymously. Close to the middle of each quarter, each student is assigned a new exam number. Law students access their exam number via the University Student Portal (my.uchicago.edu, Academics Tab, My Academics, Term Information, Current Quarter).


All Exams

There are are two main types of Law School examinations: in-class and take-home.  Although faculty members decide which type of exam to require for their class, exam administration is executed by the Office of the Registrar.


In-Class/Proctored Exams

In-class examinations are scheduled for a particular day during the exam period. They are generally scheduled for three hours, although a faculty member may give students more or less time. A proctor is present in the room during the examination. In-class exams can be open-book, closed-book, or limited open-book. Laptop use on exams—using the appropriate exam-taking software—is mandatory.  You are permitted the use of a single laptop during each in-class exam.  The use of cell phones, tablets (iPads, etc.), listening to music via any device, second laptops, or other devices is strictly prohibited, absent use of such a device as an approved ADA accommodation.

Take-home Exams

Take-home exams may be taken on any day during the exam period. Take-home exams must be completed within the specified time limit (inclusive of travel time, breaks, meals, etc.), unless otherwise stipulated in the exam itself. 

On the final day of the take-home exam period, all 8 hour non-1L take-home exams must begin by 9:00 a.m. and be completed by 5:00 p.m., or else students will have less than 8 hours to complete the exam.

Chicago time must be followed for all take-home exams. Exam deadlines are rigorously enforced, and faculty members are notified of late submissions.

Prohibition on Cutting and Pasting

Students are not permitted to download or cut/copy and paste into their in-class or take-home examination answers any material(s) from outside the examination OR cut/copy and paste any material(s) from inside of their examination to an outside source.  This rule also strictly prohibits a student from drafting an answer into Microsoft Word or another word processor and copying that answer into the exam software.  In other words, the only time cutting or copying and pasting is permitted during an exam is when a student types information into one answer field during the exam and moves it into another field during the exam. This rule applies to both in-class and take-home exams that use the EXAM4 software. Audits of student exam files are conducted each exam period, and violation of this rule may subject a student to disciplinary action. 


In Case of Computer Failure or Illness

If your computer crashes during the exam, immediately notify your proctor. The proctor will notify the Office of the Registrar and then escort you to the IT department, who will address the problem. Once the problem is resolved, you will resume your exam in a different room (on a new laptop, if necessary). You will not lose any time because of the crash.

In case of illness during the exam, please notify your proctor, who will notify the Office of the Registrar. Arrangements will be made for you to complete your exam in a separate room. If you become ill prior to the exam, do not start the exam. Once started, exams must be completed. Contact the Office of the Dean of Students or the Office of the Registrar if you become ill prior to the exam.

Professors should not, under any circumstances, be contacted about exam-related issues.

In Case of Questions Regarding Exam Instructions or Content

If you have questions regarding the exam instructions or the exam questions themselves, please notify your proctor for in-class exams or the Office of the Registrar for take-home exams as soon as possible. We will attempt to clarify issues with the instructor during the exam.

Use of Classrooms to Take Exams

You may not eat food in the classrooms while taking your exams. Be sure to turn off cell phones and all other audible alarms. You may leave the exam room quietly as needed during the exam, but please be respectful of the needs of your fellow test takers. Please make sure to put a space in between you and the next person in your row if you are taking an exam at the Law School.


IT Exam Support Hours - Winter 2025 Exams

IT Exam Support Hours - Winter 2025 Exams





Please email registrar@law.uchicago.edu

Jim Courtney, Associate Registrar - 312-625-0654 (cell phone) and 773-834-4255 (voice mail)

IT Helpdesk - 773-834-5300 - helpdesk@law.uchicago.edu

Dean of Students

Professors should not, under any circumstances, be contacted about exam-related issues.