The Law School publishes seven professional journals:
Student-edited Journals
- The Chicago Journal of International Law promotes an interdisciplinary approach and balanced discourse on international law.
- The University of Chicago Business Law Review publishes articles covering business, corporation, and securities law, and related policy issues.
- The University of Chicago Law Review publishes articles, student comments, and book reviews on current legal issues and problems.
- The University of Chicago Legal Forum is a topical law journal. Each volume examines a current legal issue in depth.
Faculty-edited Journals
- The Journal of Law & Economics provides a forum for the publication of writings by economists and lawyers on problems that are both economic and legal and seeks to stimulate scholarly investigation of such problems.
- The Journal of Legal Studies provides a forum for basic theoretical, empirical, historical, and comparative research into the operation of legal systems and institutions.
- The Supreme Court Review is an annual volume devoted to responsible professional criticism of the current decisions of the Supreme Court.
We are also proud to note that several recent alumni publish The Green Bag, "an entertaining journal of law," and that four of our faculty members serve on the board of advisors. The Green Bag strives to be "a journal that appeals to those who value useful and engaging reading on the legal issues of the day."