What Should Law School Rankings Measure and How Should We Measure It: A Comment on Heald and Sichelman’s Rankings

Jonathan S. Masur 21115291D
Adam Chilton 11715738S
ssrn www Adam Chilton & Jonathan S. Masur, "What Should Law School Rankings Measure and How Should We Measure It: A Comment on Heald and Sichelman’s Rankings," 60 Jurimetrics: The Journal of Law, Science & Technology 61 (2019).
21115291D "What Should Law School Rankings Measure and How Should We Measure It: A Comment on Heald and Sichelman’s Rankings," 60 Jurimetrics: The Journal of Law, Science & Technology 61 (2019) (with Adam Chilton). 0
11715738S "What Should Law School Rankings Measure and How Should We Measure It: A Comment on Heald and Sichelman’s Rankings," 60 Jurimetrics: The Journal of Law, Science & Technology 61 (2019) (with Jonathan S. Masur). 0
Journal Article