D’Angelo Librarians Honored for Leadership and Service in ‘Celebrating Diversity’ Publication
Two D’Angelo librarians, Todd Ito and Lyonette Louis-Jacques, along with retired D’Angelo librarian Lorna Tang, have been honored for their leadership in the American Association of Law Libraries. Each was profiled in an organization publication, “Celebrating Diversity: A Legacy of Minority Leadership in the American Association of Law Libraries.”
Ito, a lecturer in law and the D’Angelo’s head of instruction and outreach, has been involved in numerous AALL committees, including as chair of the AALL Placement Committee. He also has been a leader in AALL’s regional chapter, the Chicago Association of Law Libraries (CALL) and has served on that organization’s executive board as an at-large director and as its president. Ito has also worked as the coordinator of the Illinois State Working Group for AALL’s National Inventory of Primary Legal Materials. He first became interested in working as a law librarian when he was a student reference assistant while in law school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Louis-Jacques, a lecturer in law and the D’Angelo’s foreign and international law librarian, has been frequently recognized as one of the most respected foreign, comparative, and international law (FCIL) librarians in the country. In 2014, she received the Dan Wade Outstanding Service Award, which honors contributions in the FCIL area, and in 2015 she received an award for co-authoring the book International Law Legal Research. She is a prolific author and speaker, and has been active in numerous organizations, including the International Association of Law Libraries, the Chicago Association of Law Libraries, the Chinese and American Forum on Legal Information and Law Libraries, the American Society of International Law, and AALL. She served on AALL’s executive board for three years, and has been a mentor to other FCIL librarians.
Tang, the D’Angelo’s former associate law librarian for technical services, has been active in both AALL and CALL, serving on nearly two dozen committees over the past five decades. Tang, who retired in 2015, guided the D’Angelo’s technical services department through two major building renovations. She has published numerous articles on technical services, cataloguing, electronic resources acquisition, and vendor relations and received CALL’s Outstanding Lifetime Achievement in Law Librarianship Award.
“The service to our profession from these three librarians has been extraordinary,” said Sheri Lewis, director of the D’Angelo Law Library. “Involvement in associations is not only personally fulfilling but contributes to our library’s success supporting the University of Chicago community.”