Legal Rasputins? Law Clerk Influence on Voting at the U.S. Supreme Court

Adam Chilton 11715738S
Jacob Goldin 00664582J
cu www Adam Chilton, Adam Bonica, Kyle Rozema, Jacob Goldin & Maya Sen, "Legal Rasputins? Law Clerk Influence on Voting at the U.S. Supreme Court," 35 Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 1 (2019).
11715738S "Legal Rasputins? Law Clerk Influence on Voting at the U.S. Supreme Court," 35 Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 1 (2019) (with Adam Bonica, Kyle Rozema, Jacob Goldin & Maya Sen). 0
00664582J "Legal Rasputins? Law Clerk Influence on Voting at the U.S. Supreme Court," 35 Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 1 (2019) (with Adam Chilton, Adam Bonica, Kyle Rozema & Maya Sen). 0
Journal Article