Education Week on Justin Driver's "The Schoolhouse Gate"
A Scholar's-Eye View of School Law as High Court Gears for New Term
The U.S. Supreme Court opens its new term Oct. 1 with no education cases yet on its docket, but with the potential for several to be added in the coming months involving such issues as teacher First Amendment rights, employment discrimination in schools, and equal pay for teachers of similar experience.
In the pipeline are cases that could reach the justices about the rights of transgender students, the consideration of race in college admissions, and whether states must include religious schools in programs such as private school vouchers or textbook lending.
Now a new book assessing more than 100 years of U.S. Supreme Court constitutional cases involving students argues that "the public school has served as the single most significant site of constitutional interpretation within the nation's history"—more so than cases emanating from churches, police stations, homes, automobiles, or public accommodations.
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