Workshop on Relational Contracts
Saieh Hall for Economics, Room 021
5757 S. University Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637
United States
Daniel Barron, Northwestern University
Lisa Bernstein, UChicago Law School
Matthias Fahn, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Marta Troya Martinez, New Economic School
Giorgio Zanarone, CUNEF
The fourth Workshop on Relational Contracts will be hosted by the Becker Friedman Institute and the Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics at the University of Chicago.
This Workshop on Relational Contracts is part of an ongoing and rotating annual series that brings together empirical, theoretical, and practical researchers of relationships within and between organizations. As many scholars across a wide variety of disciplines have emphasized, firms motivate their suppliers, employees, and partners not solely with the threat of legal sanctions, but also with the promise that their efforts today will be rewarded or punished within their relationship. These so-called “relational contracts” are essential in a wide variety of settings, from supply chains, to performance bonuses and other employment practices, to business associations and other long-term business relationships. This workshop will bring together legal experts, economists, and social scientists to discuss new research in relational contracts.
To learn more about past workshops, visit:
Please RSVP for the Workshop Dinner here.