Robin B. Kar, "The Evolutionary Game Theoretic Foundations of Law"

How Law Works: Perspectives from Economics, Psychology, Political Science, and Philosophy

A Conference on Richard McAdams’ The Expressive Powers of Law and Frederick Schauer’s The Force of Law

Robin B. Kar is a Professor of Law and Philosophy at the University of Illinois and will be the 2016 Walther Schaefer Visiting Professor of Law at the University of Chicago Law School. He received his B.A. from Harvard College, his J.D. from Yale Law School, and his Ph.D. (in moral, social and political philosophy) from the University of Michigan. Professor Kar’s work has been published in a number of top journals, including the Yale Law Journal (both in print and on-line), the Georgetown Law Journal, the Texas Law Review, the Oxford Handbook of International Human Rights, Law & Philosophy, and the NOMOS volume on Evolution and Morality. He has broad research interests in legal theory, moral psychology, the evolution of moral and legal systems, and the synthesis of interdisciplinary methodologies in the law.

Recorded October 9, 2015, at the University of Chicago Law School.