UChicago Students Gained Hands-On Human Rights Experience on Service Trip to India

University of Chicago students pose near the Tawi River in Jammu, India, in March 2011. The students traveled to India during spring break to interview Kashmiri Pandits who were displaced by violence in the Kashmir Valley in 1989.

University of Chicago students met with Indian academics, NGO leaders and Jammu and Kashmir government leaders during the 2-week trip in Jammu, India. Professors from the University of Chicago trained the students to take field notes during these interviews.

SSA student Deanna Lesht conducts an interview in the government flats in Jammu, India. University of Jammu psychology students provided translation for many of the group's interviews.

1L Angus Fei Ni converses with Professor Chandra Mohan and University of Jammu Vice Chancellor Varun Sahni at his home in Jammu, India.

The students visited historical sites in India, including the India Gate in New Delhi.

3L Kelly Albinak, 2L Audrey Gilliam and SSA student Deanna Lesht enjoy one of India's famous "cold coffees" outside of Janpath Market in New Delhi, India.

LLM student Subha Chauhan poses in an auto rickshaw in New Delhi, India. Auto rickshaws are a common form of transportation in a city known for its hectic traffic.

SSA student Deanna Lesht, University of Jammu Law School graduate Shivam Chauhan, 3L Kelly Albinak and 1L Angus Fei Ni pose in front of one of India's beautiful historic monuments.

Television reporters in Jammu, India, interview 3L Maya Ibars about the International Human Rights Law Society's work with Kashmiri Pandits in Jammu.

3L Kelly Albinak and 1L Laura Jean Eichten pose with Jammu newspapers covering the Human Rights Law Society’s interview in Jammu.

An Indian newspaper with coverage of the University of Chicago students' visit.

2L Audrey Gilliam and SSA student Deanna Lesht examine a map of New Delhi and prepare to explore the town.

3L Maya Ibars partakes in one of India's most beautiful traditions: mehendi.

SSA student Megan McDermott and 1L Laura Jean Eichten celebrate Holi, India's festival of colors.

SSA student Megan McDermott and 3L Maya Ibars pose in the streets of Jammu.

Lemonade vendor in Jammu market.