Conference: Criminal Procedure in the Spotlight


Open to the public

Criminal Procedure in the Spotlight
Theoretical, Constitutional, and Administrative Developments

Organized by Richard Epstein, Richard McAdams, and Alison Siegler

Sponsored by the University of Chicago Law Review, the Coase-Sandor Instittue for Law and Economics, and the Classical Liberal Institute at New York University School of Law.

Conference Schedule

Friday:  May 30, 2014

8:45 welcome



Restructuring Clemency: The Cost of Ignoring Clemency and a Plan for Renewal, Rachel Barkow, New York University Law School, and Mark Osler, University of St. Thomas


Unbundling Criminal Trial Rights, John Rappaport, University of Chicago Law School


The American Death Penalty and the (In)Visitility of Race, Carol Steiker, Harvard University, and Jordan Steiker, University of Texas


The Law of Police, Richard McAdams, University of Chicago Law School


Two More Ways Not to Think about Privacy and the Fourth Amendment, David Sklansky,University of California, Berkeley


Entick v. Carrington and Boyd v. United States: Keeping the Fourth and Fifth Amendments on Track, Richard Epstein, New York University Law School, Hoover Institute, University of Chicago Law School


The Child Quasi-Witness, Richard Friedman, University of Michigan Law School, and Stephen J. Ceci, Cornell University College of Human Ecology


Substitution in Criminal Procedure: Electronic Surveillance and Defendant Cooperation,Tom Miles, University of Chicago Law School


Katz Has Only One Step: The Irrelevance of Subjective Expectations, Orin Kerr, George Washington University

Saturday: May 31, 2014


Following the Script: Narratives of Suspicion and (Un)Reasonable Stops in Street Policing, Jeff Fagan, Columbia University Law School, and Amanda Geller, Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health


The Relevance of Policy Effectiveness to Constitutionality, Tracey Meares, Yale University School of Law


The Courts of Appeals’ Latest Anti-Booker Rebellion, Alison Siegler, University of Chicago Law School


Juvenile Life without Parole and Juvenile Sex Offender Registration: Two Sides of the Same Unconditional Coin, Robin Walker Sterling, University of Denver Sturm College of Law

 This confernce is open to all but space is limited. Please contact Marjorie Holme at if you plan to attend.