Ambassador L. Paul Bremer at the Law School
All students and alumni are invited to hear Ambassador L. Paul Bremer, the Presidential Envoy to Iraq who headed the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq from May 2003 through the return of sovereignty to an Iraqi government in June 2004, address the "Building Justice in Iraq" seminar.
This Winter quarter seminar, led by Bruce E. Fein, '99, studies the measures taken to improve the justice system in Iraq, examines the effects, assesses the legality under international law, compares them to measures taken in other countries, and seeks to draw lessons for the future. Ambassador Bremer will speak at the class held on Wednesday, January 25 from 3pm to 5 pm in Classroom II at the Law School, 1111 E. 60th Street, Chicago. Ambassador Bremer will be happy to autograph copies of his book, My Year In Iraq, on sale in the campus bookstore. Please e-mail any questions to Bruce Fein at