Law School Reunion 2016
Photographs by Lloyd DeGrane

More than 950 Law School alumni, guests, students, and faculty gathered April 29 through May 1 to celebrate Reunion with dinners, receptions, and a variety of other events that gave them opportunities to reconnect with classmates and catch up with former professors.

The weekend began with the annual Loop Luncheon downtown Friday afternoon. Justin Driver, the Harry N. Wyatt Professor of Law, gave a talk titled “The Southern Manifesto in Myth and Memory.”

Wine Mess offered alumni a chance to see old friends and remember a treasured Law School tradition.

An All-Alumni Wine Mess was held Friday night at the Chicago Cultural Center.

Friday evening, alumni who have served in judicial clerkships mingled with current students who are interested in pursuing clerkships. Here, alumni are shown chatting with US Magistrate Judge Paul Grewal, ’96.

Members of the Class of 1966 posed for a group photo with Dean Thomas J. Miles, the Clifton R. Musser Professor of Law and Economics.

Alumni gathered Saturday morning for breakfast in the Law School’s classroom wing.

Mark Chutkow and Carl Gilmer-Hill, both ’91, visited the Reunion photo booth in the Green Lounge.

Alumni enjoyed a relaxing picnic lunch with their classmates in the Green Lounge.

David A. Strauss, the Gerald Ratner Distinguished Service Professor of Law, taught a Masterclass titled, “Does the Constitution Mean What It Says?”

Dean Thomas J. Miles, the Clifton R. Musser Professor of Law and Economics, shared updates about the Law School and took questions during a Town Hall meeting in the Auditorium.

Alumni attended a panel discussion with fellow graduates who have navigated transitions in their careers. Two of the panelists, George Curtis, ’76, and Michael Friedberg, ’71, are shown.

Ten Law School classes—including the 2011 graduates who celebrated their fifth Reunion and the 1966 graduates who celebrated their fiftieth—gathered for receptions and dinners over the weekend.

An event hosted by the University of Chicago Earl B. Dickerson Chapter of the Black Law Students Association brought together alumni and friends of the Law School.

Emily Buss, the Mark and Barbara Fried Professor of Law, taught a Masterclass titled, “Are We Raising Criminals in Juvenile Court?”

Tara E. Levens, ’16, the 2015-16 Editor-in-Chief of the University of Chicago Law Review, chatted with alumni at the Law Journals Reception Saturday night.
More than 950 Law School alumni, guests, students, and faculty gathered April 29 through May 1 to celebrate Reunion with dinners, receptions, and a variety of other events that gave them opportunities to reconnect with classmates and catch up with former professors.