Graduation 2016
Photographs by Lloyd DeGrane

The University of Chicago Law School 2016 Diploma and Hooding Ceremony was held on June 11 at Rockefeller Memorial Chapel.

The procession was led by Dean Thomas J. Miles, the Clifton R. Musser Professor of Law and Economics, and D'Angelo Law Library Director Sheri Lewis.

Members of the Class of 2016 listened as the ceremony began.

Miles offered opening remarks.

NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, '88, received the Distinguished Alumnus Award and spoke to graduates.

Emily Buss, the Mark and Barbara Fried Professor of Law, also addressed the Class of 2016.

Richard Badger, Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, announced the names of LLM and JSD graduates.

LLM and JSD students, who came to the Law School from around the world, watched the ceremony after receiving their diplomas and hoods.

Kenneth Thomas, '16, was hooded by William Baude, the Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of Law, and Douglas Baird, the Harry A. Bigelow Distinguished Service Professor of Law.

Mara Rose Kennelly Easterbrook, '16, received her hood from her uncle, Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Frank Easterbrook, '73.

Adam J. Weiner, '16, received his hood from his wife, Heather Weiner, '14.

After the ceremony, the graduates recessed from Rockefeller Chapel.

The new graduates celebrated before heading back to the Law School.

The new graduates celebrated in the Levin Reflecting Pool.

Students and their families enjoyed a lunch reception in the Green Lounge.

Congratulations to the entire class of 2016!
Photographs of the Law School's 2016 Graduation and Hooding Ceremony.