Graduation 2009
Photographs by Lloyd DeGrane

Just before Convocation

Just before Convocation

Just before Convocation

Just before Convocation

Convocation processional




Students process into Rockefeller Chapel for the Hooding Ceremony.

Dean and William B. Graham Professor of Law Saul Levmore, and Dean of Students Michele Richardson lead the faculty procession into Rockefeller Chapel for the Hooding Ceremony.

Gary A. Haugen (JD,'91), President and CEO of the International Justice Mission, addresses the graduates after receiving the Distinguished Citizen Award from Dean Levmore for his work with the human rights agency.

Judge Richard Posner of the U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit, who is a Senior Lecturer at the Law School, gives the graduation address.

Hooding Ceremony

Hooding Ceremony

Hooding Ceremony

LLM graduates celebrate after the Hooding Ceremony in Rockefeller Chapel.

Graduation reception on the quad.

Graduation reception on the quad.
Photographs of the Law School's 2009 Graduation and Hooding Ceremony.