The 2012 Graduating Students Dinner
Photographs by Lloyd DeGrane

Students mingle outside before dinner.

May 16 was a pleasant evening for the Graduating Students Dinner.

Students enjoyed time by the reflecting pool before dinner was served.

Professor Douglas Baird interacts with students.

Students chat with Professor Dennis Hutchinson.

The Class of 2012 graduates on June 9.

Professors Tom Ginsburg and Martha Nussbaum visit with students.

Professor Randall Schmidt and a student before dinner.

Professor Aziz Huq talks with students.

The Graduating Students Dinner is a chance to dress up.

The dinner was a study break for 3Ls, who had final exams the next week.

The graduating LLM group.

The night moved into the Green Lounge for dinner.

Professor Omri Ben-Shahar dines with students.

Professor Lior Strahilevitz, right, is Deputy Dean of the Law School.

Dean Mike Schill toasts the Class of 2012.

Professor Saul Levmore taught about 75 percent of the class.

Dean Mike Schill distributed several student awards.

Tammy Wang talks about the class gift.

Tara Tavernia and Sigrid Jernudd announce faculty awards.
The 2012 Graduating Students Dinner was held on May, 16 2012.