Academic Faculty
Senior Lecturers
Diane P. Wood
Senior Lecturer in LawBiography
Diane P. Wood received her BA in 1971 and her JD in 1975 from the University of Texas at Austin. After graduation, she clerked for Judge Irving L. Goldberg of the Fifth Circuit and for Justice Harry A. Blackmun of the US Supreme Court. She then worked briefly for the US State Department on international investment, antitrust, and transfer of technology issues. Moving on to Covington & Burling, Judge Wood continued a more general antitrust and commercial litigation practice until June 1980. From 1980 to 1981, she was an assistant professor at the Georgetown University Law Center. In 1981, she joined the faculty of the Law School. She spent 1985 to 1986 on leave as a Visiting Professor at Cornell Law School, and she was on leave during the fall quarter 1986, while she worked on the project to revise the Department of Justice Antitrust Guide for International Operations. She served as Associate Dean from 1989 through 1992. From 1993 until 1995, she was deputy assistant general in the Antitrust Division of the US Department of Justice with responsibility for the Division's International, Appellate, and Legal Policy matters. Before becoming a judge of the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in 1995, Judge Wood was the Harold J. and Marion F. Green Professor of International Legal Studies.
Judge Wood's research interests include antitrust (both international and general), federal civil procedure, and international trade and business. She has taught in all three fields.
The University of Texas School of Law
JD with high honors, 1975
- Order of the Coif
The University of Texas at Austin
BA in English with highest and special honors, 1971
- Course of study: Plan II (honors liberal arts)
- Elected to Phi Beta Kappa as junior
US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
- Chief Judge, October 2013–present
- Circuit Judge, July 1995–2013
The University of Chicago Law School
- Senior Lecturer in Law, 1995–present
- Harold J. and Marion F. Green Professor of International Legal Studies (on leave from August 1993–July 1995, while serving at the U.S. Department of Justice), 1990–1995
- Associate Dean, 1989 –1992
- Professor of Law, 1988–1990
- Assistant Professor of Law, 1981–1988
New York University program sponsored by the Ford Foundation
Distinguished Lecturer, June 1997
U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division
Deputy Assistant Attorney General for International, Appellate, and Legal Policy Matters, August 1993-July 1995
- Consultant on the revision of the 1977 Antitrust Guide for International Operations, 1986-1987
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Committee on Competition Law and Policy, Working Party No. 3 on International Cooperation
Consultant, 1992-1993
- Report published as Merger Cases in the Real World: A Study of Merger Control Procedures (OECD 1994) (with Professor Richard P. Whish)
University of San Diego Institute of International and Comparative Law
Visiting Professor of Law
- Paris, Summer 1990 (international business transactions)
- London, Summer 1991 (law of the European Economic Community)
- Paris, Summer 1997 (international business transactions)
Cornell Law School
Visiting Assistant Professor of Law, 1985-1986
Georgetown University Law Center
Assistant Professor of Law, 1980-1981
Covington and Burling
Associate, Washington, DC, 1978-1980
- Trial and appellate antitrust litigation, antitrust counseling, general litigation, and international law
Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Economic and Business Affairs, U.S. Department of State
Attorney-adviser, Washington, DC, 1977-1978
- Represented the United States in the U.N. Conference on Trade and Development working group on international negotiations for a Code of Conduct on Transfer of Technology
- Developed a U.S. position on an international treaty prohibiting bribery and illicit payments
- Developed a model draft bilateral investment treaty.
Hon. Harry A. Blackmun, Associate Justice, US Supreme Court
Law clerk, 1976-1977
Hon. Irving L. Goldberg, Circuit Judge, US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
Law clerk, New Orleans, LA, 1975-1976
Books (Author)
- Antitrust Law and Trade Regulation: Cases and Materials (7th ed.) (Foundation Press, 2018) (with A. Douglas Melamed & Randal C. Picker & Philip J. Weiser ).cu
- Trade Regulation: Cases and Materials (6th ed.) (Foundation Press, 2010) (with Harvey J. Goldschmid & Robert Pitofsky).cu
- Trade Regulation, 6th edition (Foundation Press, 2010) (with Robert Pitofsky & Harvey J. Goldschmid ).cu
- Trade Regulation: Cases and Materials (4th ed.) (West Publishing Company, 1997) (with Harvey J. Goldschmid & Robert Pitofsky).cu
- Merger Cases in the Real World: A Study of Merger Control Procedures (OECD, 1994) (with Richard P. Whish).cu
- Antitrust and American Business Abroad, 2nd ed., 1993 Supplement (Shepard's/McGraw-Hill, 1993).cu
Journal Articles
- "Managerial Judging in the Courts of Appeals," 43 Review of Litigation 87 (2023) (with Zachary D. Clopton).
- "Indian Sovereignty in Context," 2022 Wisconsin Law Review 211 (2022). www
- "Words, Words, Words: Some Reflections on the Texas Law Review," 100 Texas Law Review Online 172 (2022). www
- "Foreword: In Honor of Stephen Burbank: Beyond the Forest and the Trees," 169 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 2061 (2021). www
- "The Enduring Challenges for Habeas Corpus," 95 Notre Dame Law Review 1809 (2020). www
- "Sexual Harassment Litigation with a Dose of Reality," 2019 University of Chicago Legal Forum 395 (2019). cu
- "The Old New (or Is It the New Old) Antitrust: ‘I’m Not Dead Yet!!," 51 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 1 (2019).
- "Missing Judge Tinder," 49 Indiana Law Review 887 (2016) (with Gerald Bepko, Daniel E. Pulliam & Richard L. Young). cu
- "Judicial Oversight of Covert Action in the United States and United Kingdom," 100 Judicature 35 (2016) (with Chilton D. Varner & Douglas R. Young). cu
- "Judge of All Trades: Further Thoughts on Specialized Courts," 99 Judicature 10 (2015). cu
- "Legal Scholarship for Judges," 124 Yale Law Journal 2592 (2015). cu www
- "Back to the Basics of Erie," 18 Lewis and Clark Law Review 673 (2014). cu
- "The Structure of Sovereignty," 18 Lewis and Clark Law Review 215 (2014) (2013 Honorable Betty Roberts Women in the Law Lecture). cu
- "Is It Time to Abolish the Federal Circuit's Exclusive Jurisdiction in Patent Cases?," 13 Chicago-Kent Journal of Intellectual Property 1 (2013). cu
- "State Aid Management in the United States," 12 European State Aid Law Quarterly 40 (2013). cu
- "Dialogue with Federal Judges on the Role of History in Interpretation," 80 George Washington Law Review 1889 (2012) (with Frank H. Easterbrook, Jeffrey S. Sutton & Reena Raggi). cu www
- "When to Hold, When to Fold, and When to Reshuffle: The Art of Decisionmaking on a Multi-Member Court," 100 California Law Review 1445 (2012). cu
- "Theory and Practice in Antitrust Law: Judge Cudahy's Example," 29 Yale Journal on Regulation 403 (2012). cu
- "The Quiet Convergence Of Arbitration And Litigation," 5 World Arbitration And Mediation Review 273 (2011). cu
- "Summary Judgment and the Law of Unintended Consequences," 36 Oklahoma City University Law Review 231 (2011). cu
- "Constitutions and Capabilities: A (Necessarily) Pragmatic Approach," 10 Chicago Journal of International Law 415 (2010). cu
- "The Changing Face of Diversity Jurisdiction," 82 Temple Law Review 593 (2009). cu
- "Square Pegs in Round Holes: The Interaction between Judges and Economic Evidence," 5 Competition Policy International 51 (2009). cu
- "The Bedrock of Individual Rights in Times of Natural Disaster," 51 Howard Law Journal 747 (2008). cu
- "Antitrust Settlements in the United States Session One: Principles and Objectives of Antitrust Settlements: Panel II," 2008 European Competition Law Annual 277 (2008). cu
- "Snapshots from the Seventh Circuit: Continuity and Change, 1966-2007," 2008 Wisconsin Law Review 1 (2008). cu
- "Cuno v. Daimler Chrysler, Inc.: State 'Aids' from an American Perspective," 2007 European State Aid Law Quarterly 3 (2007). cu
- "Reflections on the Judicial Oath," 8 Green Bag 177 (2005). cu
- "Our 18th Century Constitution in the 21st Century World," 80 New York University Law Review 1079 (2005). cu
- "Antitrust at the Global Level," 72 University of Chicago Law Review 309 (2005). cu
- "Antitrust Modernization: Who Needs It? Who Wants It?," 4 Current Competition Law 423 (2005). cu
- "The U.S. Antitrust Laws in a Global Context," 2004 Columbia Business Law Review 265 (2004). cu
- "Antitrust in the US Supreme Court: A Review of the 2003-2004 Term," 3 Competition Law Journal 101 (2004). cu
- "The Brave New World of Arbitration," 31 Capital University Law Review 383 (2003). cu
- "Soft Harmonizing among Competition Laws: Track Record and Prospects," 48 Antitrust Bulletin 305 (2003). cu
- "The Rule of Law in Times of Stress," 70 University of Chicago Law Review 455 (2003). cu
- "International Harmonization of Antitrust Law: The Tortoise or the Hare?," 3 Chicago Journal of International Law 391 (2002). cu
- "Techniques of Judicial Federalism," European Competition Law Annual 627 (2000). cu
- "Tributes: Health, Heart and Mind: The Contributions of Richard A. Posner to Health Law and Policy," 17 Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy ix (2000). cu
- "Diffusion and Focus in International Law Scholarship," 1 Chicago Journal of International Law 141 (2000). cu
- "Is Cooperation Possible?," 34 New England Law Review 103 (1999). cu
- "Sex Discrimination in Life and Law," 1999 University of Chicago Legal Forum 1 (1999). cu
- "International Law and Federalism: What Is the Reach of Regulation?," 23 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 97 (1999). cu
- "Commentary on the Futures Problem by Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.," 148 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1933 (1999). cu
- "The Qualities of a Justice: Harry A. Blackmun," 99 Columbia Law Review 1409 (1999). cu
- "The Role of Economics and Economists in Competition Cases," 82 OECD Journal of Competition Law and Policy __ (1999). cu
- "Justice Harry A. Blackmun and the Responsibility of Judging," 26 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 11 (1998). cu
- "Review of Regulatory Cooperation for Effectiveness and Compliance: Strategies for Joint Action Among Securities, Banking, and Antitrust Regulators (1997))," 1997 Proceedings of the American Society of International Law 223 (1998) (with Paul A. Leder, Kathleen M. O'Day & Anne-Marie Slaughter-Burley). cu
- "Generalist Judges in a Specialized World," 50 SMU Law Review 1755 (1997). cu
- "Regulation in the Single Global Market: From Anarchy to World Federalism?," 23 Ohio Northern University Law Review 297 (1996). cu
- "A Cooperative Framework for National Regulators," 72 Chicago-Kent Law Review 521 (1996). cu
- "When is Market Access Really Market Access," 24 International Business Lawyer 492 (1996). cu
- "Justice Harry A. Blackmun and the Virtues of Independence," 71 North Dakota Law Review 25 (1995). cu
- "The Internationalization of Antitrust Law: Options for the Future," 44 DePaul Law Review 1289 (1995). cu
- "Competition and the Single Firm: Monopolisation," 23 International Business Lawyer 456 (1995). cu
- "Tribute to Judge Irving L. Goldberg: The Consummate Humanist," 73 Texas Law Review 977 (1994). cu
- "United States Antitrust Law in the Global Market," 1 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 409 (1993). cu
- "Justice Blackmun and Individual Rights," 97 Dickinson Law Review 421 (1992). cu
- "International Competition Policy in a Diverse World: Can One Size Fit All?," 1991 Fordham Corporate Law Institute 71 (1991). cu
- "Fine-Tuning Judicial Federalism: A Proposal for Reform of the Anti-Injunction Act," 1990 Brigham Young University Law Review 289 (1990). cu
- "Court-Annexed Arbitration: The Wrong Cure The Role of the Jury in Civil Dispute Resolution," 1990 University of Chicago Legal Forum 421 (1990). cu
- "International Jurisdiction in National Legal Systems: The Case of Antitrust," 10 Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business 56 (1989). cu
- "Unfair Trade Injury: A Competition-Based Approach," 41 Stanford Law Review 1153 (1989). cu
- "The Summary Judgment Hurdle in Age Discrimination Cases," 1988-1989 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 72 (1988). cu
- "Of Discounters and Free Riders: How Much Longer Will Dr. Miles' Legal Proscription Last?," 1987-1988 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 240 (1988). cu
- "Conflicts of Jurisdiction in Antitrust Law: A Comment on Ordover and Atwood," 50 Law and Contemporary Problems 179 (1987). cu
- "Adjudicatory Jurisdiction and Class Actions," 62 Indiana Law Journal 597 (1987). cu
- "Book Review (reviewing Julius J. Marke & Najeeb Samie, eds., Antitrust and Restrictive Business Practices: International, Regional, and National Regulation, Binder I (1982))," 79 American Journal of International Law 503 (1985). cu
- "Book Review (reviewing Norbert Horn & Clive M. Schmitthoff, eds., The Transnational Law of International Commercial Transactions (1982))," 12 International Journal of Legal Information 39 (1984). cu
- "Antitrust 1984: Five Decisions in Search of a Theory," 1984 Supreme Court Review 69 (1984). cu
- "Book Review (reviewing Valentine Korah, Competition Law of Britain and the Common Market (1982))," 11 International Journal of Legal Information 295 (1983). cu
- "Book Review (reviewing Wilbur Fugate, Foreign Commerce and the Antitrust Laws (1982))," 11 International Journal of Legal Information 182 (1983). cu
- "Class Actions: Joinder or Representational Device?," 1983 Supreme Court Review 459 (1983). cu
- Comment, "Federal Venue: Locating the Place Where the Claim Arose," 54 Texas Law Review 392 (1976). cu
- Comment, "Coordinating the EPA, NEPA, and the Clean Air Act," 52 Texas Law Review 527 (1974). cu
Book Sections
- "Law, Literature, and War: A Plenary Panel," in Cannons and Codes: Law, Literature, and America's Wars, Alison L. LaCroix, Jonathan S. Masur, Martha C. Nussbaum & Laura Weinrib eds. (Oxford University Press, 2021) (with Stephen G. Breyer & Paul Woodruff & Martha C. Nussbaum). www
- "Extraterritorial Enforcement of Regulatory Laws," (Hague Academy of International Law, 2019). www
- "Magna Carta and Sovereign Immunity: Strained Bedfellows," in Magna Carta and the Rule of Law, Andrea Martinez, Roy E. Brownell & Daniel B. Magraw eds. (American Bar Association, 2014) (with Danieli Evans). cu
- "Preface: Gender, Law, and the British Novel," in Subversion and Sympathy: Gender, Law, and the British Novel, Martha C. Nussbaum & Alison L. LaCroix eds. (Oxford University Press, 2013). cu
- "A Lesson from Shakespeare to the Modern Judge on Law, Disobedience, Justification, and Mercy," in Shakespeare and the Law: A Conversation Among Disciplines and Professions, Bradin Cormack, Martha C. Nussbaum & Richard Strier eds. (University of Chicago Press, 2013). cu
- "Our 18th Century Constitution in the 21st Century World," in The Embattled Constitution, Norman Dorsen & Catharine DeJulio eds. (New York University Press, 2013). cu
- "Antitrust Settlements in the United States," in European Competition Law Annual: 2008: Antitrust Settlements under EC Competition Law, Claus-Dieter Ehlermann & Mel Marquis eds. (Hart Publishing, 2010). cu
- "Private Dispute Resolution in International Law," in Research Handbook in International Economic Law, Alan O. Sykes & Andrew T. Guzman eds. (Edward Elgar, 2007). cu
- "Cooperation and Convergence in International Antitrust: Why the Light Is Still Yellow," in Competition Laws in Conflict: Antitrust Jurisdiction in the Global Economy, Richard A. Epstein & Michael Greve eds. (AEI Press, 2004). cu
- "A U.S. Perspective on Ducks," in The Role of the Judge in International Trade Regulation: Experience and Lessons for the WTO, Thomas Cottier, Petros C. Mavroidis & Patrick Blatter eds. (University of Michigan Press, 2003). cu
- "Intellectual Property in the Courts: The Role of the Judge," in Expanding the Boundaries of Intellectual Property: Innovation Policy for the Knowledge Society, R. Dreyfuss, H. First & Diane L. Zimmerman eds. (Oxford University Press, 2001). cu
- "The Evolution of Antitrust Law in the United States.," in Trade Practices Act: A Twenty-Five Year Stocktake, Frances Hanks & Philip Williams eds. (Frederation Press, 2001). cu
- "The Role of the Judge in Competition Enforcement," in Robert Schuman Centre Annual on European Competition Law 1996 (Kluwer, 1997). cu
- "The WTO Agreement on Government Procurement: An Antitrust Perspective," in Law and Policy in Public Purchasing, B. Hoekman & Petros C. Mavroidis eds. (University of Michigan Press, 1997). cu
- "Who Should Regulate the Space Environment: The Laissez Faire, National, and Multinational Options," in Preservation of Near Earth Space for Future Generations, John A. Simpson ed. (Cambridge University Press, 1994). cu
- "User-Friendly Competition Law in the U.S.C.," in Procedure and Enforcement in EC and US Competition Law: Proceedings of the Leiden Seminar on User-Friendly Competition Law, A. McDonnell & J. Slot eds. (Sweet and Maxwell, 1993). cu
- "The Antitrust Law and International Joint Ventures," in Transnational Joint Ventures, Peter B. Fitzpatrick ed. (Business Laws Inc., 1989). cu
- "Counseling the Foreign Multinational on United States Antitrust Laws," in Antitrust Counseling and Litigation Techniques, Julian O. Von Kalinowski ed. (Matthew Bender, 1988). cu
- "Governmental Involvement and International Antitrust Enforcement," in United States and Common Market Antitrust Policies: Annual Proceedings of the Fordham Corporate Law Institute, 1987 (1987). cu
Other Publications
- "Antitrust & IP: Does it Need to Be Retooled?,"(UIC John Marshall Law School, 2019).
- "Judicious Advice for the Occasional Appellate Lawyer," CBA Record, April 1997.
June 8, 2016: Keynote speaker at the Competition Policy at the Intersection of Equity and Efficiency Symposium – Honoring the Scholarship of Eleanor M. Fox, Brussels, Belgium, “Insights from an Outsider.”
May 24, 2016: Speaker at the Annual Seventh Circuit Roundtable Luncheon hosted by the Appellate Lawyers Association, Chicago, Illinois, providing insights from the bench on oral argument and appellate brief writing skills.
May 10, 2016: Panelist at the Federal Judicial Center’s National Conference for Appellate Staff Attorneys, Austin, Texas, “Appellate Reliance on Independent Factual Research.”
May 2, 2016: Speaker at the Seventh Circuit Bar Association and Judicial Conference of the Seventh Circuit 65th Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, “State of the Circuit 2016.”
April 25, 2016: Keynote speaker at the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Conference, “The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act at Forty: U.S. and International Perspectives,” Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C.
April 12, 2016: Guest speaker at the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois dinner and installation of Jessica Arong O’Brien, the first Asian American president of the WBAI, Chicago, Illinois.
April 1, 2016: Panelist at the 24th Annual Intellectual Property Law & Policy Conference, at Fordham University School of Law, New York City, New York, participating in the judges’ mini-plenary session and the general session panel on the interplay between competition law and intellectual property.
March 4, 2016: Welcome address, introductions, and panelist at E Pluribus Unum: The Immigration Conundrum, presented by The Seventh Circuit Bar Association Foundation, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, Chicago, Illinois.
March 1, 2016: Speaker at Oak Trace Senior Living Community, Downers Grove, Illinois, “Change in the Supreme Court.”
February 19, 2016: Panelist at the Problems with Global Antitrust Enforcement Conference, hosted by the Yale School of Management, Hartford, Connecticut, “Approaches to Global Cartel Enforcement.”
February 19, 2016: Keynote speaker at the Problems with Global Antitrust Enforcement Conference, hosted by the Yale School of Management, Hartford, Connecticut, “Fact-Driven Antitrust and International Harmonization.”
January 31, 2016: Presenter at The Digital Broadband Migration: The Evolving Industry Structure of the Digital Broadband Landscape conference, hosted by the Silicon Flatirons Center at the University of Colorado Law School, Boulder, Colorado, Antitrust Session.
January 27, 2016: Speaker at the joint luncheon of the Central District of Illinois Federal Bar Association and the Appellate Lawyers Association, Springfield, Illinois, providing insights from the bench on oral argument and appellate brief writing skills.
January 14, 2016: Speaker at the Women in the Judiciary Conference, hosted by Women’s Caucus of The University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois, “Making Your Voice Heard.”
January 9, 2016: Panelist at the 2016 Annual Meeting of American Law Schools, New York City, New York, “ Mass Communication Law – Neither the Purse nor the Sword: Writing About the Court for the Public.”
November 30, 2015: Speaker at the Memorial Ceremony for the Honorable Richard D. Cudahy, Chicago, Illinois.
October 19, 2015: Keynote speaker at the 2015 IP Institute, presented by The Engelberg Center on Innovation Law & Policy at NYU School of Law and Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP, New York City, New York, “Competition and Intellectual Property.”
October 30, 2015: Presenter at the Seventh Circuit Practice Seminar, Marquette University Law School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
October 21-23, 2015: Presenter at the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development’s First Seminar Between Mexican and International Judges to Discuss Competition Cases, Mexico City, Mexico.
October 19, 2015: Lecturer for the 2015-16 Tucker Lecture at Washington and Lee University School of Law, Lexington, Virginia, “The Quiet Crisis in Access to Justice.”
October 2, 2015: Speaker at the Working Session of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris, France, “A Judge’s Perspective on Arbitration.”
September 28, 2015: Opening keynote speaker by video conference at the Concurrences Review Program - Extraterritoriality of Antitrust Law in the US and Abroad: A Hot Issue, George Washington University Law School, Washington, D.C.
September 24, 2015: Distinguished Lecturer for Constitution Day at The Montesquieu Forum for the Study of Civic Life, Roosevelt University, Chicago, Illinois, “The Magna Carta and the Idea of Due Process.”
September 24, 2015: Keynote speaker at the Federal Bar Association - Chicago Chapter Annual Installation Luncheon, Chicago, Illinois, “Report Card on the Federal Courts.”
July 9, 2015: Speaker at the Australian Bar Association’s 2015 Main Conference entitled, “Survival of the Fittest: Challenges for Advocates in the 21st Century,” Boston, Massachusetts, “Cooperation in an Adversarial System.”
June 14, 2015: Panelist at the 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta, London, United Kingdom, “Magna Carta: The Road Ahead.”
June 6, 2015: Keynote speaker at the Richard Linn Inn of Court Ninth Annual Dinner, Chicago, Illinois, “Specialized Courts for Specialized Fields.”
May 28, 2015: Panelist at the Seventh Circuit Conference for Appellate Assistant Attorneys General and Federal Defenders, Chicago Chapter, Chicago, Illinois.
May 28, 2015: Panelist at the Annual Appellate Lawyers Association Roundtable Luncheon, Chicago, Illinois, “Seventh Circuit Roundtable Discussion.”
May 4, 2015: Speaker at the Seventh Circuit Bar Association and Judicial Conference of the Seventh Circuit 64th Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, “State of the Circuit 2015.”
April 24, 2015: Panelist at the National Association of Women Judges Mid-Year Meeting and Leadership Conference, Chicago, Illinois, “Women in the Legal Profession.”
April 15, 2015: Remarks on the 50th Anniversary of Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, video produced by WYCC-TV, Chicago, Illinois.
April 14, 2015: Panelist at the Legal Services Corporation, Washington, DC, “White House Forum Panel Discussion on Importance of Access to Justice and the Judiciary.”
April 9, 2015: Panelist at the Union League Club and The Great Books Foundation, Chicago, Illinois, “With Malice Toward None: 150 Years Since Surrender at Appomattox.”
March 23, 2015: Speaker at Yale Law School hosted by Yale Law Review, New Haven, Connecticut, “Legal Scholarship for Judges.”
March 3, 2015: Panelist at the Federalist Society and the Georgetown Center for the Constitution, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, DC, “Diversity Jurisdiction: Where Should Court Battles Be Fought?”
February 20, 2015: Speaker at The Donahue Lecture Series, Suffolk University Law Review, Boston, Massachusetts, “The Allocation of Jurisdiction Between Federal and State Courts from 50,000 Feet Up.”
February 19, 2015: Speaker at the University of New Hampshire Center for the Humanities, Durham, New Hampshire, “Humanities in a Democracy.”
February 12, 2015: Speaker at the Women’s Leadership Coalition at Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, Illinois, “The Progression of Women in the Law,” A Conversation with Chief Judge Diane Wood and Kelsi Brown Corkran.
January 27, 2015: Speaker at Vanderbilt University Law School, Nashville, Tennessee, “Civil Procedure Reform: A Conversation with Chief Judge Diane Wood.”
January 22, 2015: Speaker at the Forensic Expert Witness Association, Chicago Chapter Dinner, Chicago, Illinois.
December 9, 2014: Speaker at the Library Company of the Baltimore Bar, Annual Lecture Series, Baltimore, Maryland, “What Has Happened to Habeas Corpus?”
November 16, 2014: Panelist at the Appellate Judges’ Educational Institute 2014 Summit, Dallas, Texas, “Q&A with Judges and Lawyers.”
November 8, 2014: Panelist at the American Society of International Law Midyear Meeting, Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, Illinois, “International Law in the United States Courts.”
October 30, 2014: Panelist at the National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, “The Constitutional Legacy of James Madison.”
October 9, 2014: Speaker delivering opening remarks at the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges, 88th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
October 3, 2014: Speaker at the “Heart of the Matter” conference hosted by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Oklahoma City University, and the Oklahoma Humanities Council, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, “The Vital Role of the Humanities.”
September 15, 2014: Panel moderator at the Legal Services Corporation 40th Anniversary Celebration, Washington, DC, “State Supreme Court Chief Justices Panel.”
September 3, 2014: Speaker addressing visiting French law students, hosted by Chief District Judge Ruben Castillo, Chicago, Illinois, “Courtroom in the Classroom.”
August 13, 2014: Keynote speaker at the Equality Illinois “Raising the Bar” Reception, Chicago, Illinois, regarding the importance of diversity in the legal field.
August 7, 2014: Panelist at the 14th Annual Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, University of California, Berkeley, California.
July 18, 2014: Speaker at the National Foundation for Judicial Excellence 14th Annual Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, “Qualities of a Good Judicial Opinion.”
July 14, 2014: Panelist at the Institute of Judicial Administration New York University School of Law, Appellate Judges Seminar, New York, New York, “The Decisional Process.”
June 26, 2014: Panelist at the Coalition of Women’s Initiatives in Law, Chicago, Illinois, “Judges’ Panel Event.”
June 23, 2014: Introductory remarks after “Heart of the Matter” video, British Academy and American Academy of Arts and Sciences Conference, London, United Kingdom.
June 17, 2014: Expert speaker at the Hearing on Enhanced International Co-operation of Working Party No. 3 of the Competition Committee, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Paris, France.
May 28, 2014: Panelist at the Appellate Lawyers Association Annual Roundtable Luncheon, Chicago, Illinois.
May 22, 2014: Panelist at the National Academy of Arbitrators, Chicago, Illinois, “The Future of Labor and Employment Arbitration: The View from the Bench.”
May 12, 2014: Speaker at the Seventh Circuit Bar Association and Judicial Conference of the Seventh Circuit 63rd Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, “State of the Circuit 2014.”
April 24, 2014: Speaker at the Bohemian Lawyers’ Association of Chicago, Cicero, Illinois, “Federal Appellate Advocacy – An Overview.”
April 23, 2014: Speaker at The Lawyers Club of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, “The Increasing Challenge of Pro Se Litigants.”
April 10, 2014: Panelist at the Judge Kravitz Symposium, Lewis and Clark Law Review, Portland, Oregon, “Panel on Applying the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.”
March 21, 2014: Speaker at the Chicago Bar Association Dinner Honoring Judge William J. Bauer, Chicago, Illinois.
March 21, 2014: Panelist at the Illinois State Bar Association continuing education seminar, Northern Illinois University College of Law, DeKalb, Illinois, “Myra Bradwell: The Practice of Law in the Wake of Her Legacy.”
March 5, 2014: Panelist at the Chicago Bar Association continuing education seminar, Chicago, Illinois, “Practice in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.”
February 20–21, 2014: Welcome address at the Seventh Circuit Bar Association Foundation Symposium on Rethinking the War On Drugs, Chicago, Illinois; panel moderator, “Where Do We Go from Here?”
February 18, 2014: Interview with WTTW’s “Chicago Tonight” regarding the “Rethinking the War on Drugs” symposium.
February 15, 2014: Welcome address and introduction of Alan Alda at the Reception for Academy Fellows at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
February 7, 2014: Panelist at the Crime in Law and Literature Conference, The University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois.
January 31, 2014: Administration of oath of judicial office and remarks at the Investiture Ceremony of U.S. District Judge Andrea R. Wood, Chicago, Illinois.
January 23, 2014: Panelist at the Federal Bar Association Chicago Chapter Employment Law Seminar, “Judges Update: Summary Judgment, Burden Shifting, Causation, Class Certification, Wage and Hour Litigation.”
January 10, 2014: Panelist at the Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, Phoenix, Arizona, “The Rules Process: Triggers and Boundaries.”
January 9, 2014: Panelist at the Chicago Humanities Summit, presented by the Chicago Humanities Festival, the Modern Language Association, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Chicago, Illinois.
October 25, 2013: Speaker at the Center for Free Competition Conference on Competition Law: Private Enforcement, Santiago, Chile, “Private Enforcement of Competition Law: Recent Examples from the Seventh Circuit.”
September 26, 2013: Keynote speaker at Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago-Kent College of Law’s fourth U.S. Supreme Court IP Review, Chicago, Illinois, “Is It Time to Abolish the Federal Circuit’s Exclusive Jurisdiction in Patent Cases?”
September 24, 2013: Speaker at the L.L.M. Orientation at The University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois, “Civil Law and Common Law.”
September 18, 2013: Panelist at the 2nd Annual GAR [Global Arbitration Review] Live, New York, New York, “Session one: The Year in Review Session.”
September 9, 2013: Speaker addressing visiting French law students at Northern Illinois University, hosted by Chief District Judge Ruben Castillo, Chicago, Illinois, “Courtroom as Classroom.”
August 22, 2013: Panelist at the Illinois State Bar Association and Seventh Circuit Bar Association event commemorating the 120th Anniversary of the first-ever national meeting of women lawyers, Chicago, Illinois, “30 Female Blackstones Gather in Chicago – 2013 and Beyond: Building on Our Accomplishments.”
July 1, 2013: Speaker at the Regional Competition Center for Latin America, Second Training on Competition for Latin American Judges, Washington, DC, “Why Competition Matters: The U.S. Perspective.”
June 14, 2013: Panelist at the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy’s 2013 National Convention, Washington, DC, “A View from the Bench.”
May 16, 2013: Speaker at the Justice Academy of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey, “Implications of the Internet and Social Media (A Global and Long Lasting Matter: Freedom of Expression – United States Perspective).”
May 9, 2013: Panelist at the Chicago Federal Bar Association’s 2013 Federal Criminal Practice Program, Chicago, Illinois, “Child Pornography Panel.”
April 29, 2013: Panelist at the special event commemorating the publication of “Restoring Justice: The Speeches of Attorney General Edward H. Levi,” hosted by Sidley Austin LLP, Chicago, Illinois.
April 25, 2013: Panelist at “The Seventh Circuit: A Tradition of Legal Innovation and Excellence,” presented by the American Bar Association’s Litigation Section, Chicago, Illinois.
April 24, 2013: Panelist at The University of Chicago Law Women’s Caucus, Women in the Judiciary event, Chicago, Illinois.
April 6, 2013: Speaker at Harvard Law Review Spring Banquet, Boston, Massachusetts, “You Went to Law School for This????”
February 22, 2013: Speaker at the American Constitution Society Annual Dinner, Oregon Chapter, Portland, Oregon, “Pro-Bono Publico in a ‘What’s in it for Me’ World: Best Practices for Equal Access to Justice.”
February 21, 2013: Speaker at Lewis and Clark Law School, the Hon. Betty Roberts Women in the Law Speaker, Portland, Oregon, “The Structure of Sovereignty.”
December 4, 2012: Speaker at the American Antitrust Institute’s 6th Annual Private Antitrust Enforcement Conference, National Press Club, Washington, DC, “Antitrust (and Other) Litigation Post-Twiqbal and Post-Walmart: Helpful Adjustments or Unintended Consequences?”
November 13, 2012: Panelist at the U.S.-Russian meetings, Moscow State University, Procedural Law Department, Moscow, Russia, “Current Developments in Civil Procedure,” and “Developing ADR in the United States.”
November 12, 2012: Speaker at the U.S.-Russian Seminar on Civil Procedure, The Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, “Discovery Process.”
November 8, 2012: Panelist at the American Bar Association’s Antitrust Fall Forum, Washington, DC, “Panel I: The Role of the Federal Courts in Antitrust Enforcement.”
October 25, 2012: Panelist at New York University School of Law’s Journal of International Law and Politics and Center for Transnational Litigation and Commercial Law’s symposium entitled, “Tug of War: The Tension Between Regulation and International Cooperation,” New York, New York, “U.S. Application of Foreign Law: Competency and Diplomacy.”
October 16, 2012: Keynote speaker at the Peoria County Bar Association’s 9th Annual Diversity Luncheon, Peoria, Illinois.
October 15, 2012: Speaker at The American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education video webcast seminar on Restating the U.S. Law of International Commercial Arbitration: The “Internationality” of the ALI Restatement, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, “Conduct of Post-Award Actions and Possibilities for Remand.”
September 29, 2012: Panelist at the 25th Annual Supreme Court Preview, Institute of Bill of Rights Law, William & Mary Law School, Williamsburg, Virginia, “International Law” and “The Conservative Legal Movement and Judicial Activism.”
September 19, 2012: Speaker at the L.L.M. Orientation at The University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois, “Civil Law and Common Law.”
September 5, 2012: Speaker at the New South Wales Bar Association, The John Lehane Memorial Lecture, Sydney, Australia, “Adrift in a Sea of Data: Electronically Stored Information.”
August 22, 2012: Speaker addressing visiting French law students, hosted by Chief District Judge Ruben Castillo, Chicago, Illinois, “Courtroom as Classroom.”
August 3, 2012: Panelist at the American Bar Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, regarding the impact of Walmart v. Dukes decision.
August 3, 2012: Keynote speaker at the Scribes: The American Society of Legal Writers Annual Awards Luncheon, Chicago, Illinois, “Aristotle’s Golden Mean, or, How to Stay on the Straight and Narrow in Your Legal Writing.”
July 18, 2012: Keynote speaker at the National Labor Relations Board Administrative Law Judges’ Conference, San Diego, California, “Judicial Review of Administrative Decisions.”
June 28, 2012: Keynote speaker at the National Center for Learning and Citizenship’s Every Student a Citizen Central Regional Meeting, Wheaton, Illinois, “Getting from Here to There: The Three ‘E’s’.”
June 8, 2012: Speaker at The European State Aid Law Institute’s 10th Experts’ Forum on New Developments in European State Aid Law, Round Table of the National Judiciaries, “State and Local Subsidies in the United States.”
June 7, 2012: Speaker at the Third Annual Chicago Forum on International Antitrust Issues, presented by Northwestern University’s Searle Center on Law, Regulation, and Economic Growth, Chicago, Illinois, “Development in U.S. Antitrust Law as Applied to Foreign Commerce.”
June 5, 2012: Keynote speaker at the Annual Meeting of the Western District of Wisconsin Bar Association, Madison, Wisconsin, “Are the Civil Rules Ready for More Changes?”
May 30, 2012: Panelist at the Robert Pitofsky Symposium at Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, DC, “Panel 4: Bob as Chairman.”
April 27, 2012: Panelist at the Presidential and Judicial Oversight of Administrative Agencies conference, presented by the Duke Center for Judicial Studies, Duke University School of Law School, Durham, North Carolina, “Panel 4: Judicial Oversight in Patents and Antitrust.”
April 23, 2012: Speaker at Courts & Legal Process workshop at Columbia Law School, New York, New York, “When to Hold, When to Fold, and When to Reshuffle: The Art of Decisionmaking on a Multi-Member Court.”
April 16, 2012: Speaker at the 2011–2012 Brennan Center Jorde Symposium, New York University School of Law, New York, New York, “When to Hold, When to Fold, and When to Reshuffle: The Art of Decisionmaking on a Multi-Member Court.”
April 13, 2012: Keynote speaker at The University of Texas School of Law Chancellors Centennial installation ceremony, Austin, Texas.
March 21, 2012: Panelist at the Federal Bar Association, Chicago Chapter’s March Monthly Luncheon, Chicago, Illinois, “The Future of Class Actions in the Seventh Circuit After Walmart and Concepcion.”
March 5, 2012: Speaker at the Tulane University School of Law Dermot S. McGlinchey Lecture on Federal Litigation, New Orleans, Louisiana, “Re-Imagining Erie for the 21st Century.”
February 17, 2012: Panelist at the Law and Literature Conference, The University of Chicago American Studies Center, Chicago, Illinois, “Manhood in American Law and Literature.”
November 18, 2011: Speaker at the CJA & Illinois Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers’ Annual Criminal Defense Seminar, Chicago, Illinois, “Criminal Appeals in the Seventh Circuit.”
November 4, 2011: Panelist at The George Washington University Law School’s Law Review Symposium Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Farrand’s Records of the Federal Convention, Washington, DC, “The Records and the Judiciary.”
November 3, 2011: Moderator at the Federal Judicial Center’s National Symposium for United States Court of Appeals Judges, Washington, DC, “The Effects of Collegiality on Appellate Decision Making.”
October 25, 2011: Speaker at the 2011–2012 Brennan Center Jorde Symposium, Berkeley Law School, University of California, Berkeley, “When to Hold, When to Fold, and When to Reshuffle: The Art of Decisionmaking on a Multi-Member Court.”
October 17, 2011: Speaker at the Legal Services Corporation Board of Directors Reception honoring volunteer lawyers and firms for their pro bono service.
October 13, 2011: Speaker at the Chicago Bar Association’s Administrative Law Judges Committee meeting, Chicago, Illinois, “What Appellate Judges Want in Administrative Opinions.”
September 20, 2011: Speaker at the L.L.M. Orientation at The University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois, “Civil Law and Common Law.”
August 30, 2011: Speaker addressing visiting French law students, hosted by Chief District Judge Ruben Castillo, Chicago, Illinois, “Courtroom as Classroom.”
July 22, 2011: Speaker at the Defense Research Institute’s Class Action Seminar, Washington, DC, “Collective Actions in Employment Law.”
July 12, 2011: Speaker at the New Appellate Judges Seminar presented by the Dwight D. Opperman Institute of Judicial Administration, New York University School of Law, New York, New York, “Craft of Judging.”
June 20, 2011: Speaker at the Religion and Equality in an Age of Pluralism International Colloquium hosted by the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, the Philosophical Society of Finland, and the Academy of Finland, Helsinki, Finland, “Another Gathering Storm? Tensions between Free Exercise and Establishment of Religion in the United States.”
June 17, 2011: Panelist at the 2011 American Constitution Society for Law and Policy National Convention, Constitution at the Crossroads: Progress Imperiled?, Washington, DC, “Text, History and Principle: What Our Constitution Means and How to Interpret It.”
June 9, 2011: Panel moderator at “The First Amendment Online: Search, Privacy & Personalization,” presented by The Federalist Society’s Corporations, Securities and Antitrust, Intellectual Property and Telecommunications Practice Groups and its Chicago Lawyers Chapter, Chicago, Illinois.
June 3, 2011: Moderator at the International Court of Justice: Rethinking the U.S. Relationship, presented by George Washington University Law School in cooperation with the U.S. Department of State Office of the Legal Adviser and co-sponsored by the American Society of International Law, Washington, DC, “Comparative Perspectives.”
May 21, 2011: Commencement speaker at The University of Texas at Austin Plan II Honors Program graduation ceremony, Austin, Texas.
May 12, 2011: Speaker at the Brazil-United States Judicial Dialogue, presented by the Brazil Institute and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, “Constitution, Fundamental Rights and Democracies.”
May 12, 2011: Commentator at the Brazil-United States Judicial Dialogue, presented by the Brazil Institute and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, “Due Process of Law, Constitutional Guarantees and Appeals."
April 7, 2011: Keynote speaker at the Eastern District of Wisconsin Federal Bar Association’s Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, “Update on the Civil Rules Advisory Committee.”
March 4, 2011: Speaker at the American Bar Association’s 27th National Law-Related Education Conference, Chicago, Illinois, “Civility and Free Expression in a Constitutional Democracy.”
March 23, 2011: Keynote speaker at the Fault Lines in International Commercial Arbitration Conference presented by the Institute for Transnational Arbitration’s Academic Council and The American Society of International Law, Washington, DC, “The Quiet Convergence of Arbitration and Litigation.”
March 14, 2011: Participant in the pilot project of the Russian-American Judicial Partnership with participation of the Russian Constitutional Court, “The Rule of Law and the Correlation Between Public and Private Interests in Solving Economic Disputes,” Washington, DC, The Second Judicial “Peer-to-Peer” Dialogue entitled “Protection and Restriction of Property Rights: Strategies of Solving Economic Disputes and New Challenges (Experience of the Russian Constitutional Court and the U.S. Courts).”
February 14, 2011: Speaker and panelist at the Women’s Leadership Coalition at Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, Illinois, “From One Side of the Bench to the Other: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Courtroom.”
January 28, 2011: Participant in the pilot project of the Russian-American Judicial Partnership with participation of the Russian Constitutional Court, “The Rule of Law and the Correlation Between Public and Private Interests in Solving Economic Disputes,” Saint Petersburg, Russia, The First Judicial “Peer-to-Peer” Dialogue entitled “The Role of the Russian Constitutional Court in Solving Economic Disputes and Improving Economic Policy and Common Grounds for the U.S.-Russia Judicial Dialogue.”
November 19, 2010: Panelist at the Illinois Association of School Boards’ Joint Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, “ESEA Reauthorizations and a Civic Blueprint for Illinois High Schools.”
November 17, 2010: Speaker at the Northwestern University School of Law Public Interest Law Group’s 18th Annual Public Interest Law Week program entitled, “Bridging the Divide,” Chicago, Illinois.
November 8, 2010: Speaker at the Office of the Illinois Attorney General’s Distinguished Speakers Series, Chicago, Illinois, “Tectonic Shift or Much Ado About Nothing? Pleading A Federal Case After The Twombly-Erickson-Iqbal Trilogy.”
October 7, 2010: Keynote speaker at the Dinner Honoring The Federal Judiciary in the Southern District of Texas and Special Honoree, Judge John D. Rainey, hosted by The Federal Bar Association – Southern District of Texas Chapter, Houston, Texas.
September 30, 2010: Moderator at the Transatlantic Law Forum: The Financial Crisis, The European Treaties, and the U.S. Constitution, a joint initiative presented by the American Enterprise Institute (Washington, DC) and the Council on Public Policy (Bayreuth, Germany), Washington, DC, “Panel III: Bailouts, Competition, and Moral Hazard.”
September 27, 2010: Speaker at The Fifth Annual William J. Holloway, Jr. Lecture presented by The Oklahoma City Chapter of the Federal Bar Association, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, “Summary Judgment and the Law of Unintended Consequences.”
September 21, 2010: Speaker at the L.L.M. Orientation at The University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois, “Civil Law and Common Law.”
September 14, 2010: Speaker at The University of Texas Law Alumni Association’s Chicago Alumni Reception, Chicago, Illinois, “Overhauling the Legal System.”
August 25, 2010: Speaker addressing visiting French law students, hosted by Chief District Judge Ruben Castillo, Chicago, Illinois, “Courtroom as Classroom.”
August 4, 2010: Keynote speaker at the 58th Biennial Convention of the Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International, Tampa, Florida.
July 20, 2010: Panelist at the Sixth Annual Federal Judicial Panel presented by the Women in IP Committee of the Intellectual Property Law Association of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
June 23, 2010: Speaker at the Asian American Bar Association of the Greater Chicago Area’s continuing education program entitled “Litigation Tips from the Other Side of the Bench: Trial Court, Appellate Court and Supreme Court Judges Share Their Practical Litigation Tips,” Chicago, Illinois, “Litigation Tips from the Other Side of the Bench/May It Please the Court… But Does It?”
May 7, 2010: Panelist at The Third University of Chicago Law School Summit entitled “Are Markets Efficient? Legal Implications of Economic Theories of Market Behavior,” Chicago, Illinois, “What are the Implications for Law, Finance, Accounting and Regulatory Reform?”
May 3, 2010: Moderator at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Seventh Circuit Bar Association & Judicial Conference of the Seventh Circuit, Chicago, Illinois, “Legal Seminar – Pleading After Iqbal: The Rules, The Courts and The Constitution.”
March 23, 2010: Speaker at the American Constitution Society, hosted by Akin Gump, Washington, DC, featuring a moderated conversation covering a wide range of topics.
March 16, 2010: Speaker at the 2010 Grotius Lecture, Transnational Corporations: National Regulation, International Cooperation and International Judicial Assistance, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, United Kingdom, “Kingman Brewster’s Jurisdictional Rule of Reason, Fifty Years Later.”
February 5, 2010: Speaker at the Midwinter Meeting, American Bar Association, Section of Labor and Employment Law, Employee Benefits Committee, San Antonio, Texas, “Pleading an ERISA Case After Iqbal: The View from the Bench.”
January 29, 2010: Speaker at the Texas Attorney General’s 2010 Distinguished Speakers Series, Austin, Texas, “The Business of the Federal Courts: A View from the Middle.”
January 27, 2010: Speaker at the Chicago Women Antitrust Lawyers Network luncheon, Chicago, Illinois, “The Growth of International Antitrust.”
January 17, 2010: Commencement speaker at the John Marshall Law School’s graduation ceremony, Chicago, Illinois.
November 20, 2009: Speaker at the Summit for Appellate Judges, Lawyers, and Staff Attorneys, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, “A Special Perspective on Appellate Judging.”
November 14, 2009: Panelist at the Chicago Humanities Festival, Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, Illinois, “Laughter and the First Amendment.”
November 14, 2009: Speaker at the Chicago Humanities Festival, Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, Illinois, “Reflections on FCC v. Pacifica Thirty Years Later.”
October 27, 2009: Speaker presenting opening remarks and introduction of U.S. Senator Richard Durbin, at the Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago’s Annual Benefit Reception, Chicago, Illinois.
October 20, 2009: Panelist at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement, Paris, France, “The Application of Antitrust Law to State Owned Enterprises.”
October 12, 2009: Speaker at the Arlin M. and Neysa Adams Lecture, Temple University Beasley School of Law, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, “The Changing Face of Diversity Jurisdiction.”
October 9, 2009: Panelist at the Defense Research Institute’s Annual Meeting Seminar, Chicago, Illinois, “Topic: The Difference Between ‘May’ and ‘Shall’ and Other Important Issues in the Proposed Changes to Rules 26 and 56 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.”
October 9, 2009: Speaker at the Defense Research Institute’s Annual Meeting Seminar, Chicago, Illinois, “Appellate Advocacy and Handling the Big Case.”
October 1, 2009: Speaker at the South Carolina Women Lawyers Association and North Carolina Association of Women Attorneys, Charleston, South Carolina, “Bringing the Constitution to Life for the Next Generation.”
September 29, 2009: Speaker at the Appellate Lawyers Association, Chicago Bar Association, Chicago, Illinois, “Ten Best, Ten Worst Strategies for Oral Argument.”
September 22, 2009: Speaker at the L.L.M. Orientation at The University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois, “Civil Law and Common Law.”
September 4, 2009: Speaker at the American Enterprise Institute Transatlantic Law Forum: The Business of Law, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany, “Change and Continuity in Competition Law.”
August 27, 2009: Speaker addressing visiting French law students, Chicago, Illinois, “L’Expérience d’un Juge Fédéral.”
August 5, 2009: Speaker at the Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago’s 2009 Supreme Court Update Summer Institute, Chicago, Illinois, “A Conversation with Judge Diane Wood.”
August 5, 2009: Panel moderator at the Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago’s 2009 Supreme Court Update Summer Institute, Chicago, Illinois, “Judiciary Act of 2009.”
July 29, 2009: Speaker at the Australian National University College of Law, John Fleming Centre for Advancement of Global Research, Canberra, Australia, “Dispute Resolution in TransBorder Cases: Can the Courts Catch Up with the World?”
July 28, 2009: Speaker at the Australian National University College of Law, Canberra, Australia, “Federalism in the United States, as it affects the courts.”
June 17, 2009: Speaker at the Fourth Annual Conference of the Academic Society for Competition Law, George Washington University School of law, Washington, DC, “Competition Policy Around the World: Emerging Consensus, or Differing Concepts?”
June 8, 2009: Speaker at The University of Texas Teacher Institute, Texas Humanities Program on the U.S. Constitution and American History, The University of Texas at Austin, College of Liberal Arts, Austin, Texas, “Contemporary Constitutional Questions in the Classroom.”
June 5, 2009: Speaker at the Practicing Law Institute’s Antitrust Conference, Chicago, Illinois, “A Sitting Judge’s View of Antitrust.”
May 16, 2009: Speaker at the Shakespeare and the Law Conference, The University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois, “Law, Disobedience, Justice, and Mercy.”
April 30, 2009: Panelist at the Women’s Power Summit on Law and Leadership, The University of Texas School of Law, Austin, Texas, “Perspectives & Reflections on Justice O’Connor’s Remarks.”
April 17, 2009: Speaker at the Bi-Annual Conference of the Journal of Private International Law, New York University School of Law, New York, New York, “Not Your Father’s Oldsmobile: Private International Law in Courts Today.”
April 16, 2009: Panelist discussing private international law at the Special Tribute to Andreas Lowenfeld, Bi-Annual Conference of the Journal of Private International Law, New York University School of Law, New York, New York.
April 4, 2009: Speaker at the Texas Law Review Banquet, The University of Texas School of Law, Austin, Texas, “Why be a Lawyer?”
March 25, 2009: Panelist at the Spring Meeting of the American Bar Association’s Section of Antitrust Law, Washington, DC, panel discussion with Judge Douglas Ginsburg regarding changes in antitrust law over the years.
March 10, 2009: Speaker at the American Constitution Society, Chicago Chapter, DePaul University College of Law, Chicago, Illinois, regarding practice before the Seventh Circuit.
February 24, 2009: Speaker at The University of Chicago Law School Federal Appeals Litigation Clinic, Chicago, Illinois, regarding appellate advocacy.
February 16, 2009: Panelist at the Female Judges Panel, Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, Illinois, panel discussion regarding experience and career as a woman attorney and judge.
February 8, 2009: Speaker at the Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago’s Educating for Democracy: Creating a Blueprint for Illinois High Schools, Wheaton, Illinois, “Bringing the Constitution to Life in Illinois High Schools.”
February 2, 2009: Speaker at The University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois, “Constitutions and Capabilities: A (Necessarily) Pragmatic Approach.”
December 30, 2008: Speaker at the American Philosophical Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, “Constitutions and Capabilities: A (Necessarily) Pragmatic Approach.”
November 8, 2008: Panel moderator at the Chicago Humanities Festival, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, Illinois, “The Invisible Constitution and the Rule of Law.”
November 8, 2008: Speaker at the Chicago Humanities Festival, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, Illinois, “Thinking Big: The Rule of Law.”
October 16, 2008: Speaker at the Transatlantic Law Forum entitled, “Citizenship in the United States and Europe,” American Enterprise Institute Legal Center, Washington, DC, “Citizenship, Alienage, and Personhood in the United States.”
October 2, 2008: Speaker at the Jevons Institute, Judicial Review of Competition Cases, Washington, DC, regarding developments in antitrust law and judicial handling of economic evidence.
September 25, 2008: Panelist at the 35th Annual International Antitrust Law & Policy Conference, Fordham Corporate Law Institute, New York, New York, panel discussion regarding the impact of judicial decisions on merger control.
September 23, 2008: Speaker at the L.L.M. Orientation at The University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois, “Civil Law and Common Law.”
September 4, 2008: Speaker at the Women Lawyers’ Association, Ajou University, Seoul, Korea, “Equal Rights for Women in the United States: An Overview.”
September 4, 2008: Speaker at Ewha Women’s University, Seoul, Korea, “The Constitutional Guarantee of Equal Protection of the Law.”
September 3, 2008: Speaker at the International Symposium of the Constitutional Court of Korea, Seoul, Korea, “Constitutional Adjudication and Executive Power.”
September 2, 2008: Speaker at Ajou University, Seoul, Korea, “Free Speech in Schools and Universities.”
June 14, 2008: Panelist at the Class Actions in Europe and North America Conference at Villa La Pietra, presented by New York University School of Law, the American Law Institute, and the European University Institute, Florence, Italy.
June 6, 2008: Speaker at the European Union Competition Law & Policy Workshop, Florence, Italy, “Antitrust Settlements in the United States.”
May 17, 2008: Speaker at The University of Texas School of Law graduation ceremony, Austin, Texas, delivering the Sunflower Ceremony Address.
April 25, 2008: Speaker at the North American Dispute Resolution Series, International Centre for Dispute Resolution, Chicago, Illinois, “Judicial Perspectives on International Arbitration.”
April 11, 2008: Speaker at the American Constitution Society, Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, Illinois, regarding the workload of the federal courts of appeals.
April 10, 2008: Panelist at the 102nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, Washington, DC, “Restating the U.S. Law of International Commercial Arbitration.”
March 21, 2008: Panelist at the DuPage County Bar Association, Wheaton, Illinois, regarding tips for appellate advocacy.
March 27, 2008: Speaker at the McGeorge School of Law, Jurist in Residence, Sacramento, California, “Federalism in the Federal Courts.”
March 20, 2008: Speaker at the Conference on Affirmative Action in Higher Education, New Delhi, India, “Affirmative Action in Higher Education: The Ambivalent Experience in the United States.”
March 18, 2008: Speaker at the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata, Kolkata, India, “The Winding Road Toward Equality in the United States.”
March 17, 2008: Speaker at the Panchayat Talk on Human Rights, Kolkata, India, question-and-answer session with local municipal officials about challenges women face.
March 10, 2008: Speaker at the Administrative Law Judges’ Lunch Meeting, Chicago Bar Association, Chicago, Illinois, regarding judicial review of administrative actions.
March 1, 2008: Panelist at The 2008 PricewaterhouseCoopers Leadership Forum entitled, “How slicing through legal complexity can improve global business performance,” Dana Point, California, “U.S. Circuit Judges’ Panel.”
February 19, 2008: Interviewee (videotaped) at the American Bar Association, Section of Antitrust Law, Public Education and Oral History Committee, Chicago, Illinois, regarding background and various historical developments in the area of antitrust law.
January 31, 2008: Panelist at the American Constitution Society, University of Pennsylvania School of Law, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, “Holding the Middle: The Circuit Court’s Important and Complex Role in Appellate Review,” regarding the institutional differences between appellate courts with mandatory jurisdiction and those with discretionary jurisdiction.
November 15, 2007: Speaker at the Houston Bar Association, Antitrust Section, Houston, Texas, “Antitrust in the Supreme Court’s 2006 Term: The Triumph of Economic Analysis.”
November 5, 2007: Speaker at Duke University School of Law, Durham, North Carolina, regarding various issues related to the impact of international law in the United States.
October 26, 2007: Speaker at Katrina and the Rule of Law in the Time of Crisis, Wiley A. Branton Symposium, Howard University School of Law, Washington, DC, “The Bedrock of Individual Rights in the Times of Natural Disaster.”
October 25, 2007: Speaker at the Symposium on Corporate Human Rights Responsibility: Its Growing Relevance and Enforceability, Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, Illinois, “Corporate Responsibility for Human Rights.”
October 10, 2007: Speaker at the American Constitution Society, Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago-Kent College of Law, Chicago, Illinois, “Immigration Adjudication.”
September 18, 2007: Speaker at the L.L.M. Orientation at The University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois, “Civil Law and Common Law.”
September 11, 2007: Speaker at Courtroom as Classroom, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, Chicago, Illinois, “Juger aux Etats-Unis: L’Expérience d’un Juge Fédéral.”
July 26, 2007: Participant at the Presentation to Nigerian Officials (via videolink), African Regional Service, U.S. Department of State, Paris, France, regarding rules of judicial ethics and anticorruption measures.
July 11, 2007: Participant at the Presentation to Moroccan Officials (via videolink), African Regional Service, U.S. Department of State, Paris, France, regarding rules of judicial ethics and anticorruption measures.
June 18, 2007: Speaker at the Conference in International Law, American Association of Law Schools/American Society for International Law, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, “What is Wrong with the Way We Teach and Write International Law.”
May 18, 2007: Speaker at Civitas International Programs, Center for Civic Education, Buenos Aires, Argentina, “The Role of Higher Education in Promoting Human Rights.”
April 24, 2007: Speaker at The Nineteenth Thomas E. Fairchild Lecture, University of Wisconsin Law School, Madison, Wisconsin, “Snapshots from the Seventh Circuit: Continuity and Change, 1966 to 2007.”
November 17, 2006: Speaker at the King’s College London, University of London, The European State Aid Law Institute conference entitled, “The Law of the EC State Aid,” London, United Kingdom, “CUNO v. Daimler Chrysler, Inc.: State ‘Aids’ from an American Perspective.”
November 14, 2006: Facilitator at the Federal Judicial Center American Society of International Law’s International Law and Litigation for U.S. Judges conference, Washington, DC, “International Law Applied: Audience Response Quiz.”
November 13, 2006: Moderator at the Federal Judicial Center American Society of International Law’s International Law and Litigation for U.S. Judges conference, Washington, DC, “International Law in the Domestic Courts of Other Nations.”
November 8, 2006: Panelist at the International Association of Judges Regional Meeting of Asian, North American, Oceanian Group, hosted by St. John’s University School of Law, New York, New York, “What Are the Limits of Trans-Judicial Communication?”
November 3–4, 2006: Panelist at the Eightieth Annual Meeting of the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges, San Francisco, California, “Bankruptcy Appeals Subcommittee program: Stays and Mootness,” and “Circuit Splits & Supreme Court Update.”
September 29, 2006: Keynote speaker at The Institute for Consumer Antitrust Studies and The Loyola University Chicago Law Journal’s presentation of “Matsushita at 20: Proof of Conspiracy, Summary Judgment, and the Role of the Economist in Price Fixing Litigation,” Chicago, Illinois.
September 20, 2006: Panelist at the International Bar Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois, participating in the Dispute Resolution Section’s panel on arbitration entitled, “IBA Rules on Conflict of Interest.”
August 14–18, 2006: Speaker on a United States Agency for International Development-sponsored visit to Guatemala, on behalf of the Committee on International Judicial Relations; presented addresses entitled, “US Judicial Legal System and the Promotion of Women’s Rights” and “The Role of Higher Education in Promoting Women’s Human Rights.”
June 26, 2006: Speaker at the American Bar Association’s Summer Teacher Institute entitled, “Federal Trials and Great Debates in United States History,” presenting prepared remarks entitled, “The Sedition Trials and the Judges’ Role.”
April 17–21, 2006: Speaker on a United States Agency for International Development Women’s Legal Rights Initiative-sponsored visit to Madagascar, addressing various governmental officials, judicial officers, and law students; presented addresses entitled, “U.S. Judicial Legal System,” and “The U.S. Judicial Legal System and the Enforcement of Women’s Legal Rights.”
April 7, 2006: Speaker at the Class Action Symposium, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law, Kansas City, Missouri, “The Future of Class Actions.”
March 27, 2006: Panelist at The University of Texas School of Law panel discussion on judicial clerkships, Austin, Texas, providing insight to law students interested in pursuing clerkships.
November 11, 2005: Panelist at the Illinois State Bar Association International and Immigration Law Section’s seminar entitled, “Presenting an Asylum Case: Tips for Trial and Judicial Review,” Chicago, Illinois, “A View from the Bench: Judicial Review – Its Ups and Downs.”
November 10, 2005: Moderator at the annual National Lawyers Convention of The Federalist Society for Law & Public Policy Studies, Washington, DC, “Originalism & Unenumerated Constitutional Rights.”
October 25, 2005: Speaker at the Chicago Bar Association Seminar entitled, “The Impact of the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 on the Prosecution and Defense of Class Actions,” Chicago, Illinois, “The View From the Court of Appeals.”
October 12, 2005: Moderator at The Chicago Lawyer Chapter of the American Constitution Society’s presentation of “Can Principled Federalism be Progressive?,” Chicago, Illinois.
October 11, 2005: Speaker at the Inaugural Harry A. Blackmun Lecture, The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law,Columbus, Ohio, “Justice Blackmun and the Common Law Tradition.”
September 28, 2005: Panelist at the International Bar Association Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, “Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: Motivations and Problems,” and “Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: Advantages and Solutions.”
September 23, 2005: Panelist at The 9th Annual National Institute on Class Actions, presented by The American Bar Association Section of Litigation and the Center for Continuing Legal Education, Chicago, Illinois, participating in a mock Supreme Court argument entitled, “Class Actions in the Marble Palace: What if the Supremes Took on Rule 23(b)(2)?”
August 6, 2005: Speaker at the Scribes Journal of Legal Writing luncheon meeting, Chicago, Illinois, “‘Original Intent’ versus ‘Evolution’: The Legal Writing Edition.”
July 29, 2005: Speaker at the American Constitution Society’s 2005 National Convention themed, “The Constitution in the 21st Century,” Washington, DC, “Moral Values and the Constitution.”
July 15–22, 2005: Co-moderator at the “Law, Morality, & Justice” Justice and Society Seminar, The Aspen Institute, Aspen, Colorado, leading discussions with Professor Peter Edelman of Georgetown University on broad issues of justice.
July 11–12, 2005: Panelist at the Appellate Judges Seminar – New Appellate Judges Series, presented by the Institute of Judicial Administration, New York University School of Law, New York, New York, “Conferencing & Process of Decision-Making: Intermediate Appellate Courts” and “High Quality Justice in a High Volume World: Issues of Accountability and Independence: Intermediate Appellate Courts.”
May 13, 2005: Panelist at the Eleventh Circuit Judicial Conference, Hollywood, Florida, “When Should International Law be Part of Our Law?”
May 9, 2005: Speaker at The British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 5th Annual Trans-Atlantic Antitrust Dialogue, London, United Kingdom, “Antitrust Modernization: Who Needs It? Who Wants It?”
May 9, 2005: Panelist at The British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 5th Annual Trans-Atlantic Antitrust Dialogue, London, United Kingdom, “Panel 4: Economics in Court.”
March 18, 2005: Speaker at the Federal Court/Law Council Joint Seminar on Competition Law, Sydney, Australia, “Judicial Method and Technique in United States and European Civil Anti-Trust Litigation.”
March 7–9, 2005: Participant in the Seminario sobre Competencia Económica, Dirigido a Jueces y Magistrados, Comision Federal de Competencia México, Mexico City, Mexico, providing training for Mexican judges on behalf of the Federal Trade Commission.
February 10–11, 2005: Speaker at the Justice-to-Justice Dialogue, “The Role of the Judiciary in a Global Economy: A Comparative Perspective,” presented by the American Bar Association’s Asia Law Initiative and the United States Agency for International Development, Manila, Philippines, “Supporting Economic Growth Through Judicial Reform: The U.S. Perspective,” and “Judicial Decision-Making in the Global Economy: The U.S. Perspective.”
December 3, 2004: Featured speaker at the Swedish Network for European Legal Studies, on behalf of the United States Department of State, Stockholm, Sweden, “Private Enforcement of Competition Law: Lessons to be learned by Europe from USA’s Antitrust System.”
November 30–December 2, 2004: Participant in the 6th All-Russian Congress of Judges, sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development, Moscow, Russia.
November 15, 2004: Speaker at the American Constitution Society, Houston, Texas, “Reflections on the Judicial Oath.”
October 18, 2004: Speaker at the James Madison Lecture, New York University School of Law, New York, New York, “Our Eighteenth Century Constitution in the 21st Century World,” “International Law: What is it, and Where does it Belong?,” and “Reflections on Appellate Judging.”
October 12, 2004: Panelist at the Seventy-Eighth Annual Meeting of the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges, Nashville, Tennessee, “Circuit Splits – The Great Divide?”
October 9, 2004: Speaker at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Induction for Class III (Social Sciences), Cambridge, Massachusetts, “Law in a Global Community.”
October 2, 2004: Speaker at the American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law’s Antitrust Masters course, Atlanta, Georgia, “Effective Appellate (And Other) Advocacy.”
September 16, 2004: Panelist at The Federalist Society’s Corporations, Securities & Antitrust Practice Group panel discussion, Washington, DC, “The Modernization of Antitrust.”
September 13, 2004: Panelist at the Protecting Consumer Interest in Class Actions workshop, sponsored by the Federal Trade Commission and the Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics, Washington, DC, “Panel 2: Tools for Ensuring that Settlements are ‘Fair, Reasonable, and Adequate.”
September 2–4, 2004: Speaker at the Judicial Training Program, Fair Trading Commission of Jamaica, Kingston, Jamaica, presenting speeches entitled, “Dominant Firms and Mergers,” “Dominant Firms: Exclusionary Practices,” “Dominant Firms: Abusive Practices Related to Price,” “Dominant Firms: Definition, Test for Dominance,” “Vertical Agreements; Tyings and Refusals to Deal,” “Vertical Agreements: Distribution Restrictions,” “Other Agreements Between Competitors,” “Cartels and Bid-rigging,” and “The Judge’s Role in Competition Cases.”
July 8, 2004: Speaker at King’s College London, University of London Centre of European Law, London, United Kingdom, “Antitrust in the United States Supreme Court: A Review of the 2003–2004 Term.”
May 23, 2004: Commencement speaker at the Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago-Kent College of Law’s graduation ceremony, Chicago, Illinois, “The Value of Law.”
April 27, 2004: Speaker at the Katz Lecture, presented by The University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois, “To Administer Justice Without Respect to Persons.”
April 1, 2004: Presenter at the American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law Chair’s Showcase Program entitled, “Cutting-Edge Issues in International Antitrust Litigation: Jurisdiction, Remedies and the Limits of U.S. Antitrust Law,” Washington, DC, “The Incredible Shrinking Per Se Rule: Is An End In Sight?”
December 9, 2003: Featured panelist at the City Bar’s 2003 Milton Handler Annual Antitrust Review, presented by the Committee on Antitrust & Trade Regulation of The Association of the Bar of the City of New York, held in New York, New York, “The U.S. Antitrust Laws in a Global Context.”
November 14, 2003: Speaker at the Program on International Law for Federal Judges at the Institute of Judicial Administration, New York University School of Law, co-sponsored by the Federal Judicial Center & Institute for International Law and Justice, New York, New York, “Extraterritorial Application of U.S. Law.”
November 7, 2003: Panelist at a conference presented by the Trade Law Centre for Southern Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, regarding the international enforcement of the U.S. antitrust laws.
October 31, 2003: Participant in a roundtable discussion about international law in United States courts at the American Society of International Law’s Judicial Outreach Program, Washington, DC.
October 17, 2003: Speaker at the Cordell Hull Institute’s Trade Policy Roundtable event entitled, “Investment and Competition Rules after Cancún,” Washington, DC, regarding why the WTO should not adopt a competition code.
October 1, 2003: Panelist at the Fifth Annual Antitrust Conference entitled, “Antitrust and Trade Issues: Increasing Exposure To Multiple Jurisdictions,” presented by Steptoe & Johnson LLP and Analysis Group, Inc., Washington, DC, “Procedural Issues: Procedural Fairness, Convergence, and Confidentiality, International Competition Enforcement: Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions.”
August 20, 2003: Speaker at the American Constitution Society, Chicago Chapter, Chicago, Illinois, “Reflections on the Rule of Law in Times of Stress.”
June 19, 2003: Speaker at the International Bar Association’s conference entitled, “Plotting Litigation Strategy in the Global Context,” Chicago, Illinois, “Transnational Litigation in 2003: Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?”
June 12, 2003: Speaker delivering observations and closing remarks at the European Policy Centre’s Competition and Intellectual Property: Transatlantic Perspectives symposium, Brussels, Belgium.
May 12, 2003: Speaker at the 80th Annual Meeting of the American Law Institute, Chicago, Illinois, “The Structure of Sovereignty.”
May 5, 2003: Moderator at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Seventh Circuit Bar Association and Judicial Conference of the Seventh Circuit, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, “International Discovery.”
May 2, 2003: Speaker at the National Legal Symposium sponsored by the Patient Advocate Foundation/Loyola University School of Law, Chicago, Illinois.
April 22, 2003: Speaker at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research’s conference entitled, “The New Antitrust Paradox – Policy Proliferation in the Global Economy,” Washington, DC, “Cooperation and Convergence in International Antitrust: Why the Light Is Still Yellow.”
November 18, 2002: Featured speaker at the John E. Sullivan Lecture, Capital University Law School, Columbus, Ohio, “The Brave New World of Arbitration.”
November 1, 2002: Speaker at the Fordham Corporate Law Institute’s Twenty-Ninth Annual Conference on International Antitrust Law & Policy, New York, New York, “The Courts and Private Antitrust Actions.”
October 24–25, 2002: Speaker at the American Bar Association, Section of Antitrust Law’s Antitrust Masters Course, Sea Island, Georgia, “The Tough Issues in Agreements Between Competitors,” “Effective Appellate (and other) Advocacy,” and “Joint Ventures.”
September 20, 2002: Speaker at the Global Antitrust Law and Policy conference presented by the University of Minnesota Law School, honoring Dean E. Thomas Sullivan, Minneapolis, Minnesota, “Soft Harmonization Among Competition Laws: Track Records and Prospects.”
September 14, 2002: Speaker at the Second Annual National Symposium on Class Actions, presented by the Osgoode Hall Law School of York University, Toronto, Ontario, “Judge’s Perspective.”
August 3, 2002: Keynote speaker at the Competition Law and Policy Institute of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand: “What’s in a Phrase? How Competing Standards for Merger Review Make a Difference.”
July 25–27, 2002: Speaker at the Ninth Annual Advanced ALI-ABA Court of Study for Plaintiffs’ and Defendants’ Bars entitled, “Current Developments in Employment Law,” Santa Fe, New Mexico, regarding topics such as recent developments for Title VII, Americans with Disabilities Act, and other employment law matters.
July 8, 2002: Speaker at the Institute of Judicial Administration New York University School of Law, Appellate Judges Seminar, New York, New York, “Theories of Judicial Decision-Making.”
June 28–29, 2002: Speaker and facilitator at the Workshop on Judicial Enforcement of Competition Law, organized by the United States Agency for International Development, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the Competition Tribunal of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, “Recent developments in competition law: Recent developments in the United States,” “Judicial review of competition cases: The U.S. experience,” “The accommodation of multiple criteria in competition cases: Multiple criteria in the competition analytical framework; multiple criteria in the application of regulatory and public policy in specific sectors,” and “Standards of proof – restrictive agreements.”
March 14–15, 2002: Speaker at La Cour de Cassation, Judging Under Common Law Seminar, Paris, France, “Les Tiers Intervenants.”
March 13, 2002: Speaker at the French Judges’ School (École Nationale de la Magistrature), Bordeaux, France, presenting a lecture regarding the United States legal system.
March 12, 2002: Speaker at the Ministry of Justice, Paris, France, “Judging in the United States: The Experience of a U.S. Federal Judge.”
January 17, 2002: Speaker at the Guidelines for Merger Remedies: Prospects and Principles conference, organized by Ecole de Mines de Paris and University of California at Berkeley School of Law, Paris, France, “A Comparison of Merger Review and Remedy Procedures in the United States and the European Union.”
November 8, 2001: Panel moderator at The Sedona Conference Antitrust Law & Litigation 2001, Sedona, Arizona, “Exclusive Dealing as Monopolization and Restraint of Trade: Microsoft, Toys R Us, & More.”
November 8, 2001: Panelist at The Sedona Conference Antitrust Law & Litigation 2001, Sedona, Arizona, “Merger Enforcement in the US and EU: Lessons Learned from the General Electric and Honeywell Merger Investigations.”
October 23, 2001: Speaker at the Class Action Conference, presented by the Advisory Committee on the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, held at The University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois, “Control of Conflicting or Overlapping Class Actions: Mechanisms Other Than Preclusion.”
October 16, 2001: Panelist at “The Advanced Forum on Antitrust Litigation: What You Need to Know to Win Your Case in Today’s Changing Landscape,” presented by the American Conference Institute, Washington, DC, “A View from the Bench.”
August 7, 2001: Participant in the American Bar Association’s 2001 Annual Meeting, mock oral argument entitled, “The Case the Supreme Court Did Not Hear: Antitrust Law v. Intellectual Property,” Chicago, Illinois.
August 4, 2001: Panelist at The Death Penalty Moratorium: Cause and Effect program presented by the Judicial Division of the American Bar Association at its 2001 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, “Perspective of a Federal Judge.”
June 1, 2001: Commentator at the Stanford/Yale Junior Faculty Forum designed to encourage the work of young scholars by providing experience in the pursuit of scholarship and the nature of scholarly exchange, Stanford, California, “Session 5: Antitrust.”
May 5, 2001: Commencement speaker at the Indiana University School of Law graduation ceremony, Bloomington, Indiana.
May 5, 2001: Panelist at The Lawyer’s Workshop, presented by the Illinois State Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Minority and Women Participation, Chicago, Illinois, “Workshop Two: Appellate Practice – Federal & State,” speaking on the topic of brief writing.
April 12, 2001: Speaker at the Georgia Law Review Spring Banquet at The University of Georgia School of Law, Athens, Georgia, “Words, Words, Words.”
April 9, 2001: Speaker at the 1st Annual Midwest Antitrust Colloquium, presented by Loyola University School of Law, Chicago, Illinois, “Cooperation and the (a) Global Competition Forum.”
April 7, 2001: Moderator at the American Society of International Law’s 95th Annual Meeting entitled, “The Visible College of International Law,” Washington, DC, “Academic Publishers and International Law.”
March 15–16, 2001: Speaker at the Supreme Judicial Qualifying Collegium Russian-American Workshop on Judicial Selection, Ethics and Discipline and Carrying out Inspections on Complaints about Judicial Actions, sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development, Moscow, Russia, “How the U.S. Courts Address Claims of Judicial Misconduct,” and “Selection of Judges in the United States.”
December 8–10, 2000: Speaker at the Competition Policy in a Globalised Economy conference at The Ditchley Foundation, Ditchley Park, England, regarding international applications of antitrust law.
December 6, 2000: Panelist at the Colloquium on Competition Law, Chambre de Commerce et d’industre de Paris, Roundtable No. 1: Market Definition and Agreements, Paris, France, “The Many Faces of Market Analysis.”
October 17, 2000: Moderator at the Workshop for Judges of the Seventh Circuit, presented by The Federal Judicial Center, Madison, Wisconsin, “Prisoner cases, § 1983, Habeas Issues – Panel Discussion.”
September 29, 2000: Panelist at the Fulcrum Information Services’ Antitrust 2001 conference, Washington, DC, “Antitrust Outside of the U.S.: It Is Now Almost Everywhere.”
August 21, 2000: Speaker at the World Trade Forum 2000: The Role of the Judge, Bern, Switzerland, “A U.S. Perspective on Ducks.”
July 28, 2000: Panelist at the Seventh Annual Advanced ALI-ABA Court of Study for Plaintiffs’ and Defendants’ Bars entitled, “Current Developments in Employment Law,” Santa Fe, New Mexico, “Judicial Views on the Litigation of Employment Cases.”
July 12, 2000: Speaker/instructor at the New York University School of Law Institute of Judicial Administration’s 2000 Appellate Judges Seminar – New Appellate Judges Series, New York, New York, “Statutory Interpretation.”
June 26, 2000: Panelist at the ANZSIL/ASIL 2000 Conference: International Legal Challenges for the 21st Century, Sydney, Australia, “Panel 2: Formulating and Enforcing Competition Law in a Global Economy,” with remarks entitled, “International Anti-Trust Enforcement: The Virtues of Cooperation.”
June 2, 2000: Speaker at the EU Competition Workshop 2000: The Modernization of EC Antitrust Policy, Florence, Italy, “Courts and Judges: Techniques of Judicial Federalism.”
April 6, 2000: Panel chair at the American Society of International Law’s 94th Annual Meeting entitled, “International Law in Ferment: A New Vision for Theory and Practice,” Washington, DC, “The History of International Law: Universality and Particularity.”
March 14, 2000: Speaker at the Center for International and Comparative Law, University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, “International Competition Law: Is Europe the Model for the World?”
February 18, 2000: Speaker at the Cutting Edge Antitrust seminar entitled, “Issues and Enforcement Policies and Their Underlying Economic Theories,” presented by Law Seminars International, New York, New York, “International Competition Policy – Convergence/ Cooperation?”
January 26, 2000: Panelist at the State Bar of Wisconsin’s Bench & Bar Conference, presented by the Appellate Practice Section, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, “Clash of the Titans: Watch Seasoned Supreme Court Advocates Argue Before a Panel of Judges from the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Learn How They Prepare for Battle, and See How Judges React.”
November 19, 1999: Panelist at Law Seminars International, Cutting Edge Antitrust: Issues and Enforcement Policies and Their Underlying Economic Theories, San Francisco, California, “Advanced Trial Techniques in the Modern Age.”
November 11, 1999: Commentator at Mass Torts: A Symposium, sponsored by the David Berger Program on Complex Litigation and The University of Pennsylvania Law Review, in conjunction with The Advisory Committee on Civil Rules, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, “Commentary on ‘The Futures Problem’ by Geoffrey C. Hazard, Jr.”
October 2, 1999: Speaker at the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Trade Practices Act: A Celebration and Stocktake, The University of Melbourne Business School and Law School, Melbourne, Australia, “The Evolution of Antitrust Law in the United States of America.”
September 20, 1999: Speaker at the Blankenbaker Lecture on Professional Responsibility, University of Montana School of Law, Missoula, Montana, “The Measure of a Lawyer’s Ethical I.Q.”
August 10, 1999: Speaker at the American Bar Association’s Annual Meeting, Section of Litigation, Atlanta, Georgia, “Sexual Harassment in the Workplace After Faragher and Ellerth: Arguing About What Was and Was Not Decided.”
June 18, 1999: Speaker at the Illinois Human Rights Commission’s presentation to Administrative Law Judges, Chicago, Illinois, regarding the changing formulation of the prima facie case in Title VII cases.
May 29, 1999: Commencement speaker at the Northern Illinois University College of Law, DeKalb, Illinois, “Law: Who Needs It? Who Makes It? What’s It For?”
April 16, 1999: Speaker at the Federal Judicial Center, Federal Appellate Jurisdiction: Its Elements and Its Evolving Content, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, “Domestic and International Arbitration.”
March 27, 1999: Panelist at the American Society of International Law’s 93rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, “Panel: Comparative Antitrust.”
March 19, 1999: Speaker at Competing Competition Laws: Do We Need a Global Standard? conference, organized by New England School of Law Center for International Law and Policy, Boston, Massachusetts, “Is Cooperation Possible?”
March 4, 1999: Panelist at The 1999 Antitrust Conference: Antitrust Issues in Today’s Economy, presented by The Conference Board, New York, New York, “A Baxter Retrospective: What is the Baxter antitrust legacy and how much of it will endure?”
February 20, 1999: Keynote speaker at the Third Annual Women’s Law Symposium, Myra Bradwell Lecture, University of Illinois College of Law, Champaign, Illinois, “Women Lawyers: Men in Skirts?”
February 11, 1999: Speaker at the Distinguished Jurist Lecture at the University of Pennsylvania Institute of Law and Economics, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, “The Mystery of Doomed Employment Litigation.”
January 26, 1999: Speaker at the Chicago Bar Association’s Labor and Employment Committee Seminar: Hot Issues as the Year 2000 Approaches, Chicago, Illinois, The Prima Facie Case Formulation: How It Is Changing, and How It Affects You.”
November 4, 1998: Panelist in the Roundtable Hearings Program presented by the International Competition Policy Advisory Committee to the Attorney General and the Assistant Attorney General For Antitrust, Washington, DC, “Session Two: Panel in International Antitrust Cooperation: Bilateral and Plurilateral Efforts (Part I).”
October 23, 1998: Moderator at the Fordham Corporate Law Institute’s Annual Conference: International Antitrust Law & Policy, Fordham University School of Law, New York, New York, “Antitrust and the Courts – Roundtable.”
October 17, 1998: Speaker at the Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly presentation of The Jurisprudence of Justice Harry A. Blackmun, University of California, Hastings College of Law, San Francisco, California, “Justice Harry A. Blackmun and the Responsibility of Judging.”
October 12–14, 1998: Commenter at the China Conference: The Chinese Judicial System, presented by The University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois, regarding my visit to China in 1997 and my exposure to Chinese appellate judges.
September 23, 1998: Speaker at the ALI-ABA Video Law Review presentation of Workplace Harassment Litigation: Update on Supreme Court Decisions – Current Harassment Litigation Issues from Plaintiff, Defendant, and Judicial Perspectives, Washington, DC.
July 7, 1998: Speaker at the Visit of Representatives of the Law Schools Participating in the Dean Acheson Legal Stage Programme, “Dean Acheson Delegation,” Luxembourg, “The Role of Courts in the Development of the Law.”
June 27, 1998: Speaker at the New York University School of Law Engelberg Center on Innovation Law and Policy conference entitled, “Intellectual Products: Novel Claims to Protection and Their Boundaries,” Florence, Italy, “Intellectual Property in the Courts: The Role of the Judge.”
June 15–16, 1998: Presenter at the New York University School of Law Institute of Judicial Administration’s Appellate Judges Seminar – Advanced Appellate Judges Series, New York, New York, “Federalism in the Federal Courts,” and “Law and Economics: Applications for the Appellate Judge.”
April 16, 1998: Panelist at Yale Law School’s judicial panel on “Gender and the Bench,” New Haven, Connecticut.
February 27, 1998: Panelist at the Fordham School of Law Center on European Union Law and International Antitrust’s presentation of The European Union and the United States: Constitutional Systems in Evolution conference, New York, New York, “Federalism: Essential Concepts in Evolution.”
February 12, 1998: Speaker at Marquette University Law School, addressing first-year law students, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, “Traps and Springs for the Hapless Lawyer: Waiver in Contemporary Litigation.”
February 12, 1998: Speaker at the E. Harold Hallows Lecture, Marquette University Law School, “Federalism in the Federal Courts.”
September 12, 1997: Speaker at The World Trade Forum entitled, “Trade Liberalization and Property Ownership: State-Trading in the 21st Century,” Bern, Switzerland, “State Trading in the United States.”
June 11–21, 1997: Distinguished lecturer, New York University School of Law program (sponsored by the Ford Foundation); lectures to Chinese judges in Shanghai and Wuhan, and at Peking University, Beijing, on the subject of appellate courts and appellate review.
May 24, 1997: Commencement speaker at the Loyola University School of Law graduation ceremony, Chicago, Illinois, “Law: Who Needs It? Who Makes It? What’s It For?”
April 24, 1997: Keynote speaker at the 3rd Annual Spring Meeting of the American Bar Association’s Section of Public Utility, Communications and Transportation Law entitled, “The Tangled Web: The Evolving Relationship Between Regulation and Antitrust in the Transition to Competitive Provisioning of Public Utility, Communications and Transportation Services,” Washington, DC, “Riding on the Deregulation Bandwagon.”
April 11, 1997: Panelist at the 91st Annual Meeting of The American Society of International Law entitled, “Implementation, Compliance and Effectiveness,” Washington, DC, “Regulatory Cooperation for Effectiveness and Compliance: Strategies for Joint Action Among Securities, Banking, and Antitrust Regulators.”
March 13, 1997: Speaker at the Fourteenth Competition Policy Conference: “The Devil in the Detail,” presented by The EU Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Belgium, Brussels, Belgium, “‘Federal’ Competition Law Enforcement: Boon or Bane?”
March 6, 1997: Panelist at The Conference Board’s 1997 Antitrust Conference: Antitrust Issues in Today’s Economy, New York, New York, “Economics as Junk Science: Using Daubert to Challenge Expert Testimony in Antitrust Trials.”
February 11, 1997: Presenter of the Irving L. Goldberg Lecture at Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law, Dallas, Texas, “Generalist Judges in a Specialized World.”
November 22, 1996: Speaker at the Loyola University Chicago School of Law’s presentation of The Hon. Hubert L. Will Conference: Antitrust Law for the New Millennium, Chicago, Illinois, “U.S. Antitrust Laws and the Global Market: National and Extraterritorial Enforcement.”
November 19, 1996: Speaker at A Tour Guide for the Occasional Appellate Lawyer: Part II, presented by The Chicago Bar Association, Chicago, Illinois, “Stating the Legal Issues.”
October 24, 1996: Speaker at the Seminar on Judicial Enforcement of Competition Law presented by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, France, “The Role of Economics in Competition Cases.”
September 21, 1996: Panelist at the Illinois Association Defense Trial Counsel’s Fall Conference, Galena, Illinois, “A Discussion of Ethics and Professional Responsibility.”
July 11, 1996: Speaker at the Centre for Applied Studies in International Economics Brainstorming Conference entitled, “Anti-Dumping and Competition Policy: Complementary or Supplementary,” Geneva, Switzerland, “How to Make Anti-Dumping Laws More ‘Competition-Friendly’.”
June 19, 1996: Speaker at the Academics and Negotiators Evening Seminars held at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, “International Standards for Competition Law: An Idea Whose Time Has Not Yet Come.”
May 21, 1996: Speaker at Current Developments in Federal Civil Procedure seminar, presented by Chicago Bar Association Committee on Federal Civil Procedure, Chicago, Illinois, “Trial Procedure from the Appellate Perspective: The Case of Jurisdiction.”
May 19, 1996: Speaker at The University of Texas School of Law Sunflower Ceremony, Austin, Texas, “Law: Who Needs It? Who Makes It? What’s It For?”
May 13, 1996: Panelist at The Second Annual Health Care Antitrust Forum, Chicago, Illinois, “Panel Discussion: Joint Ventures – Panacea or Pandora’s Present?”
May 10, 1996: Speaker at the ILEX Delegation and Briefing Trip to Brussels and Luxembourg, “New Directions in Antitrust Law Convergence: Comparative Analysis of Competition Laws of the European Communities, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada, presented by the American Bar Association Section of International Law and Practice, Luxembourg, “Court of the First Instance.”
April 22, 1996: Speaker at the 1996 Kormendy Lecture presented by the Ohio Northern University Claude W. Pettit College of Law, Ada, Ohio, “Regulation in the Single Global Market: From Anarchy to World Federalism.”
April 19, 1996: Panelist at the “Workshop on Implementation of Antitrust Rules in a ‘Federal’ Context,” held at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy, “Panel 2: The Role of Judges.” March 30, 1996: Speaker at the National Law Review Conference at Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, Illinois, “Come in, Rangoon… .”
March 7, 1996: Speaker at The 1996 Antitrust Conference: Antitrust Issues in Today’s Economy, presented by The Conference Board, New York, New York, “Bridging Cultural Differences.”
March 5, 1996: Speaker at Inside Insights – The Illinois Legal System: Is Justice Served?, presented by The Community House and Lord, Bissell & Brook, Hinsdale, Illinois.
October 6, 1995: Speaker at the Public Policy & Global Technological Integration symposium presented by The Library of International Relations at Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago Kent College of Law, Chicago, Illinois, “A Cooperative Framework for National Regulators.”
September 19, 1995: Speaker at the International Bar Association, Section of Business Law’s 12th Biennial Conference, Paris, France, regarding antitrust and trade law across frontiers.
September 9, 1995: Speaker at The Campaign for Harvard Law School Victory Celebration, Cambridge, Massachusetts, “Regulating the Transnational Economy: Competition, Cooperation, and Litigation.”
August 10, 1995: Panelist at the American Bar Association’s Section of Antitrust Law Post-Annual Meeting, Hot Springs, Virginia, “General Session: A Roundtable discussion on Antitrust Law and Competition Policy in America including its connection with International Trade Policy.”
May 6, 1995: Speaker at the International Economic Law Conference, Washington, DC, “The Trade Effects of Domestic Antitrust Enforcement.”
Memberships and Professional Affiliations
- American Law Institute
- International Academy of Comparative Law
- Chicago Bar Association Symphony Orchestra
- Bar admissions, Texas (1975, resigned 1996), the District of Columbia (1978), Illinois (1993), the United States Supreme Court, the U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Fifth and Seventh Circuits, and the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
Editorial Work
- Contributing editor, Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases (1984-1988)
- Author of numerous brief articles summarizing important cases to be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court, in areas including antitrust, civil procedure, and land use controls.
- Brookings Institution (1989-1990)
- Board member, Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Health Center (1983-85)
- Senior Advisory Group
- Civil Justice Project
- Faculty advisor to student working group for a new sexual harassment policy for the university, University of Chicago Law School
- Advisor, Law Women's Caucus and the Progressive Law Students' Associatio, University of Chicago Law School