Academic Faculty
University Faculty
Dennis J. Hutchinson
William Rainey Harper Professor Emeritus in the CollegeBiography
Following his graduation summa cum laude from Bowdoin College, Dennis Hutchinson attended the Law School for one year, then spent three years at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar where he read for the BA in law. He then received an LLM from the University of Texas at Austin and successively clerked for three federal judges, including Justice Byron White and William O. Douglas (Ret.). He began his teaching career at Georgetown University and moved to the Law School, where he has been since 1981. He is William Rainey Harper Professor Emeritus in the College. His books include The Man Who Once Was Whizzer White, a 1998 New York Times Notable Book, and The Forgotten Memoir of John Knox (ed., with David Garrow). He teaches and writes in the areas of modern American constitutional history and judicial behavior.
Mr. Hutchinson has taught contracts, constitutional law, elements, and legal history, which is his principal field of inquiry. He also previously edited the Supreme Court Review with David A. Strauss and Geoffrey R. Stone.
The University of Texas at Austin
LLM, 1974
Magdalen College, Oxford University
MA, 1977
BA in Law, 1973
- Rhodes Scholar
- Class II Honours
- Winter Williams Book Prize in Law
- Underhill Trust Exhibitioner
The University of Chicago Law School
Bowdoin College
AB, summa cum laude, 1969
- Phi Beta Kappa
- Highest Honors in Department (Philo Sherman Bennett Prize)
University of Colorado
- Regents' Scholar
- Dean's List
The University of Chicago
William Rainey Harper Professor Emeritus in the College, 2022-present
Professor in the Social Sciences and New Collegiate Division, 1997-present
Senior Lecturer in Law, 1990-present
Associate Professor, Social Sciences Collegiate Division, 1990-present
Associate Dean of the College, 2018-2022
Master of the New Collegiate Division, 2018-2022
William Rainey Harper Professor in the College, 2000-2022
Associate Member, Department of History, 1988-2018
Associate Professor in the New Collegiate Division, 1982-1990
Lecturer in Law, 1981-1990
Associate Professor of Law, 1982-1986
Peter B. Ritzma Associate Professor in the College, 1981-1982
Cornell Law School
Visiting Professor of Law, 1985-1986
Georgetown University Law Center
Associate Professor of Law, 1978-1981
Visiting Associate Professor of Law, 1977-1978
Washington College of Law (American University)
Adjunct Professor of Law, 1976-1977
Hon. William O. Douglas, Associate Justice (Ret.), Supreme Court of the United States
Law clerk, 1976-1977
Hon. Byron R. White, Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States
Law Clerk, October term 1975
Hon. Elbert P. Tuttle, Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
Law clerk, 1974-1975
Journal Articles
- "Lincoln the Dictator," 55 South Dakota Law Review 284 (2010). cu
- "Aspen and the Transformation of Harry Blackmun," 2005 Supreme Court Review 307 (2005). cu
- "Introduction: Brown in the Supreme Court," 6 Journal of Appellate Practice and Process 11 (2004). cu
- "Perspectives on Brown," 8 Green Bag 43 (2004). cu
- "Credos Tribute," 112 Yale Law Journal 983 (2003). cu
- "Two Cheers for Judicial Restraint: Justice White and the Role of the Supreme Court Justice White and the Exercise of Judicial Power," 74 University of Colorado Law Review 1409 (2003). cu
- "Elements of the Law," 70 University of Chicago Law Review 141 (2003). cu
- "In Memoriam: Byron R. White (1917-2002)," LXXXIX American Oxonian 463 (2002). cu
- "Remembering Grant Gilmore," 6 Green Bag 67 (2002). cu
- "The Achilles Heel of the Constitution: Justice Jackson and the Japanese Exclusion Cases," 2002 Supreme Court Review 455 (2002). cu
- "A Century of Social Reform: The Judicial Role," 4 Green Bag 151 (2001). cu
- "Book Review (reviewing Melvin I. Urofsky, Division and Discord: The Supreme Court under Stone and Vinson, 1941-1953 (1997))," 17 Law and History Review 205 (1999). cu
- "Preface," 1999 Supreme Court Review ix (1999) (with Geoffrey R. Stone & David A. Strauss). cu
- "Remembering Lewis F. Powell," 2 Green Bag 163 (1999). cu www
- "The Ideal New Frontier Judge," 1997 Supreme Court Review 373 (1998). cu
- "Whizzer White at Yale," 1 Green Bag 137 (1998). cu
- "Hugo Black Among Friends," 93 Michigan Law Review 1885 (1995). cu
- "Judicial Biography: Amicus Curiae," 70 New York University Law Review 723 (1995). cu
- "The Papers of Thurgood Marshall," 6 Appellate Law Review 72 (1994). cu
- "Roundtable on Justice White," 79 ABA Journal 68 (1993). cu
- "Perspectives on White: A Roundtable," 79 American Bar Association Journal 68 (1993) (moderator). cu
- "The Man Who Once was Whizzer White," 103 Yale Law Journal 43 (1993). cu
- "Byron R. White," XIV Supreme Court Historical Society 10 (1993). cu
- "Comment on Danelski," 84 Northwestern University Law Review 925 (1989). cu
- "The Felix Frankfurter Papers," 75 Journal of American History 1384 (1989). cu
- "The Black-Jackson Feud," 1988 Supreme Court Review 203 (1988). cu
- "Scholar's View of the Tom C. Clark Papers, A Paper," 1 Symposium on the Tom C. Clark Papers 5 (1987). cu
- "Book Review (reviewing Sidney Fine, Frank Murphy: The Washington Years (1984))," 1 Benchmark 54 (1985). cu
- "Too Many Friends of the Court?," 70 ABA Journal 16 (1984) (with Philip B. Kurland). cu
- "Book Review (reviewing Mark Silverstein, Constitutional Faiths : Felix Frankfurter, Hugo Black, and the Process of Judicial Decision Making (1984))," 34 Legal Education 748 (1984). cu
- "Hail to the Chief: Earl Warren and the Supreme Court," 81 Michigan Law Review 922 (1983). cu
- "The Business of the Supreme Court, O.T. 1982," 50 University of Chicago Law Review 628 (1983) (with Philip B. Kurland). cu
- "In Memoriam: Abe Fortas," 1983 Yearbook of the Supreme Court Historical Society 7 (1983). cu
- "More Substantive Equal Protection--A Note on Plyler v. Doe," 1982 Supreme Court Review 167 (1982). cu
- "Unanimity and Desegregation: Decisionmaking in the Supreme Court, 1948-1958," 68 Georgetown Law Journal 1 (1980). cu
- "Felix Frankfurter and the Business of the Supreme Court, O.T. 1946-O.T. 1961," 1980 Supreme Court Review 143 (1980). cu
Book Sections
- "Philip Kurland," in Yale Biographical Dictionary of American Law, Roger Newman ed. (Yale University Press, 2009). cu
- "Benjamin N. Cardozo," in The New Oxford Companion to Law, Peter Cane & Joanne Conaghan eds. (Oxford University Press, 2008). cu
- "Resolutions of the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States in Honor of Justice White," in United States Reports (United States, 2003) (with Lance Liebman). cu
- "Foreword," in Fa lu tui li yin lun (Chinese University of Political Studies Press, 2002) (with Edward H. Levi) (Chinese translation of An introduction to Legal Reasoning). cu
- "Byron R. White," in The Encyclopedia of the Great Plains (University of Nebraska, 2001). cu
- "Harry A. Blackmun," in The Justices of the United States Supreme Court, Leon Friedman & Fred L. Israel eds. (Chelsea House, 1995). cu
- "Byron R. White," in The Supreme Court Justices: Illustrated Biographies, 1789-1993, Clare Cushman ed. (Congressional Quarterly Press, 1993). cu
- "Brown v. Board of Education," in The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States, James W. Ely, Joel B. Grossman, Kermit L. Hall & William M. Wiecek eds. (Oxford University Press, 1992). cu
- "Robert H. Jackson, Independent Advocate," in New York Notes (New York State Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, 1988). cu
- "Bingham, Joseph Walter," in Biographical Dictionary of the Common Law., Alfred W. Simpson ed. 1984). cu
- "Adams, John Quincy," in Biographical Dictionary of the Common Law., Alfred W. Simpson ed. 1984). cu
- "Stone, Harlan Fiske," in Biographical Dictionary of the Common Law., Alfred W. Simpson ed. 1984). cu
- "Frankfurter, Felix," in ., Alfred W. Simpson ed. 1984). cu
- "Story, Joseph," in Biographical Dictionary of the Common Law., Alfred W. Simpson ed. 1984). cu
- "Cardozo, Benjamin N.," in Biographical Dictionary of the Common Law., Alfred W. Simpson ed. 1984). cu
- "Root, Elihu," in Biographical Dictionary of the Common Law., Alfred W. Simpson ed. 1984). cu
- "Warren Burger," in Colliers Encyclopedia.(1979). cu
Other Publications
- "Crying Wolf over Gorsuch," Chicago Tribune, February 8, 2017. www
- "Judgment Still Pending On Clarence Thomas, Review of Ken Foskett, Judging Thomas: The Life and Times of Clarence Thomas," Chicago Tribune, September 6, 2004.
- "Bench Press (reviewing Sandra Day O'Connor, The Majesty of the Law: Reflections of a Supreme Court Justice (2003))," New York Times Book Review, June 30, 2003, at p.22. www
- "Dismantling a Legend (reviewing Bruce Allen Murphy, Wild Bill: The Legend and Life of William O. Douglas (2003))," Chicago Tribune Books, March 17, 2003, at p.1.
- "Rehnquist's Law (reviewing Kenneth W. Starr, First Among Equals: The Supreme Court in American Life (2002))," New York Times Book Review, October 14, 2002. www
- "Supreme Idealist (reviewing Kent Newmeyer, John Marshall and the Heroic Age of the Supreme Court (2001))," New York Times Book Review, January 14, 2002, at p.18. www
- "Book Review (reviewing James St. Clair, Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson of Kentucky: A Political Biography (2002))," H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences On-Line, 2002. www
- "The Great Chief Justice (reviewing Jean Edward Smith, John Marshall: Definer of a Nation (1996))," Chicago Tribune, December 23, 1996, at p.5.
- "The GOP Hold on Judgeships: Partisan Politics Have Ground Confirmations to a Halt," Legal Times, March 25, 1996, at p. 25 (reply, April 22).
- "A Master of the Bench (reviewing Gerald Gunther, Learned Hand: The Man and the Judge (1994))," Wall Street Journal, July 13, 1994, at p.A2.
- "Burger Needs to Define His Court Before Creating a New One," Los Angeles Times, February 9, 1983.
- “How The Man Who Once Was Whizzer White Shaped My Career,” Webinar with Professor Helen Knowles and Professor Tim Huebner (editor, Journal of the Supreme Court Historical Society), July 17, 2023 (also on YouTube)
- “Judicial Biography: What Makes Great Judges Great and Others not so Great,” Annual Judges Seminar, Master of Judicial Studies Program, Duke Law School, with Judge Lee Rosenthal, Linda Greenhouse, and John C. Jeffries, Durham, NC, May 26, 2017
- “Edward H. Levi: Legal Scholar and Educator,” Symposium Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Office of Provost at the University of Chicago, September 21, 2012
- Co-Moderator, Justice and Society Seminar, Aspen Institute, July 12-19, 2012 (with Judge Marjorie Osterlund Rendell)
- “We Learned That in Wellington,” Colorado in the Late 20th Century Series with Colorado Historical Society, 20 September 2011
- “The Impatient Carpenter: Mr. Justice Jackson and the Judicial Craft,” 2009 California Appellate Judges Institute, 16 October 2009
- “Abraham Lincoln: The Paris Years,” October 1, 2009, Paris, France (Fifth Anniversary of the University of Chicago Paris Center)
- “Lincoln and the Constitution,” Abraham Lincoln – His Legal Career and His Vision for America, 6 February 2009
- “Promises of Liberty” Slavery, Abolition and Human Rights: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Thirteenth Amendment, 17 April 2009
- “Meet the Press: The New Supreme Court and Public Relations,” American Constitution Society Houston Chapter, 2 March 2007
- “Judicial Independence,” Sixth Annual Meeting at College of Commercial Arbitrators, 28 October 2006
- Moderator, “Civic and Moral Education in the University Today,” Aspen Festival of Ideas, July 5, 2006 (with Richard Brodhead, Tony Marx, Michael Sandel)
- “Aspen and the Making of Harry Blackmun,” Aspen Festival of Ideas, July 4, 2006
- “The President, the Constitution, and the War Powers: Lincoln and Bush,” Chicago Convenes, 5 May 2006 (moderator and panelist)
- “Norval Morris, Aspen, and the Transformation of Harry Blackmun,” Chicago’s Best Ideas, 27 April 2006
- “The Supreme Court and What it Means for America,” University of Chicago Law School Alumni Association, 7 March 2006 (panelist)
- “The Supreme Court 2005,” Illinois Appellate Lawyers Association, 28 October 2005 (discussion with Steve Shapiro)
- “Threat or Menace: Judicial Independence Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow?,” National Association of Women Judges, 20 October 2005
- “Judicial Independence,” American Constitutional Society, 7 October 2005
- “History of Attacks on Judicial Independence,” Workshop for Judges of the Fifth Circuit at Federal Judicial Center 6 October 2005
- “The Transformation of Harry Blackmun,” Justice Blackmun and Judicial Biography at Brooklyn Law School, 16 September 2005
- “Perspectives on Brown,” Annual Judicial Conference of the Ninth Circuit, 20 July 2004
- “Legal History at Chicago,” Chicago’s Best Ideas, 21 May 2003
- "The Supreme Court after Bush v. Gore: Still the Least Dangerous Branch?," Washington, D.C., 17 May 2003; Baltimore, MD, 18 May 2003
- "The Forgotten Memoir of John Knox: Editing History," Institute for Governmental Studies at University of California at Berkeley, 14 February 2003
- "Two Cheers for Judicial Restraint: Byron White and the Role of the Court," University of Colorado Law School of Law, 27 January 2003
- "Pepys in Hyde Park: The Diary and Memoir of John Knox," Friends of the Library at the University of Chicago 9 October 2002
- "Military Tribunals: History, Policy, Legality," University of Chicago Law School, 17 January 2002
- "Teaching and Learning: Martial Arts?" Sarah and James Bowdoin Day Address, 6 October 2000
- "October Term 2000: The Supreme Court, Presidential Elections, and Political Agendas," Univiversity of Chicago Loop Luncheon, 2 October 2000
- "Historical and Cultural Approaches to Constitutions," American Political Sciences Association Annual Meeting, 31 August 2000 (chair)
- "A Century of Social Reform: The Judicial Role," Annual Judicial Conference of the Ninth Circuit, 21 August 2000
- "The Character of the Judge: Byron White in Context," Conference on Character and Adjudication at University of Colorado School of Law, 8 April 2000
- "John Marshall and Judicial Review," Bicentennial Symposium of Chief Justice John Marshall at John Marshall Law School, 5 April 2000 (panelist)
- "Core Curricula," Faculty of Arts & Sciences at Hofstra University, 1 March 2000
- "Reforming General Education: A Survivor's Tale," Ad Hoc Committee for the Assessment of General Education at Brigham Young University, 10 December 1999
- “The Aims of Education,” Annual Address to Entering Students in The College, September 19, 1999
- "Cardozo: A Persistent Enigma-His Legacy, Reputation and Influence," Law & Society Annual Meeting 28 May 1999 (discussant)
- "Judicial Biography," Judicial Fellows Program at Supreme Court of the United States, 22 January 1999 (panelist)
- "Kennedy Justice Revisited," Cityfront Lecture Series at University of Chicago Alumni Association, 21 November 1996
- "'Am I My Mother's Keeper?' Judicial Confirmation in the 104th Congress," Federalist Society, 5 March 1996
- "The Decor of Justice," Annual Seventh Circuit Judicial Conference, 17 October 1995
- "The Supreme Court and Nuremburg," The Friends of the Law Library of the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court Historical Society, 10 May 1995
- "'Contracted' Biography and Other Obstacles to 'Truth,'" New York University Conference on Judicial Biography, 6 May 1995 (commentator)
- "The Future of Undergraduate Education: What Will Students Learn?," Bowdoin College Bicentennial Symposium, 3 June 1994
- "Historical Perspectives on the Rhetoric of Law and Race," Midwest Faculty Seminar, 7 April 1994
- "Tempest in a File Cabinet: The Thurgood Marshall Papers," Illinois Appellate Lawyers Association, 18 March 1994
- "History, Theory and the Thurgood Marshall Papers," NYU School of Law, 17 February 1994
- "Staff Development: The Political Factors," National Staff Development Council NSDC Convention, 12 December 1993 (panelist)
- "The Thurgood Marshall Papers," Subcommittee on Regulation and Government Information; Committee on Governmental Affairs; United States Senate, 11 June 1993 (testimony)
- "Abortion: It's a Controversial Question, But is it a Constitutional One?," Loop Luncheon Debate, 11 December 1992 (with Michael W. McConnell)
- "Should We Constitutionalize School Funding Decisions in Illinois?," Hinsdale, 28 October 1992
- "Is the Supreme Court Political?" Hinsdale Rotary Club, 31 July 1992
- "Law and the Liberal Arts: Rules and Roles, or the Crisis of Captain Vere," St. John's College, 16 July 1992
- "The Crisis in School Funding: A Legal, Legislative, Academic and School District Analysis," Rosemont, IL, 9 March 1991
- "The Role of Ethics in the Study of the Law," The Society for Ethics and Law at University of Chicago Law School, 23 January 1991 (panelist)
- “Two Cheers for Robert Maynard Hutchins,” Convocation Speaker, The University of Chicago, June 8-9, 1990
- "Intersections of Legal Rhetoric, Legal Theory and Legal Education," Workshop of the Committee on the Analysis of Ideas and the Study of Methods at the University of Chicago, 16 May 1990
- "A Debate: Webster v. Reproductive Health Services," Progressive Law Students Association, 19 May 1989 (moderator)
- "The Intended and Actual Function of the Equal Protection Clause," Law School Issue Awareness Day, 6 April 1989
- "The Senate's Role in Supreme Court Nominations: The View from History," Northwestern University School of Law, 17 March 1989
- "Faculty Panel Discussion: Setback for Civil Rights? The Supreme Court and §1981," The University of Chicago Law School, 4 May 1988 (panelist)
- "The Constitution, the President, and Foreign Policy? Where Do 'We the People' Fit In?" Downer's Grove, 19 November 1987 (panelist)
- "Justices Black and Jackson: Feud Over Faith?" Annual Meetings of the Organization of American Historians, 26 March 1988
- "Does the Constitution Matter?" Bates College, 7 October 1987; Bowdoin College, 8 October 1987
- "What Did the Framers Think? What Does It Matter? Reflections on the Bicentennial of the Constitution," University of Chicago Club of Northeast Ohio, 12 July 1987
- "The Constitution at 200," Annual Meetings of the Organization of American Historians, 4 April 1987
- "The Supreme Court at October Term, 1985: Civil," Workshop for Judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, 22 January 1987
- "Case Selection by the Supreme Court: Is There a Problem?," NYU School of Law, 1 November 1986 (panelist)
- "The Supreme Court: End of an Era?," Extension 720 on WGN Radio, 19 August 1986 (panelist)
- "Whither Judicial Biography?" Annual Meetings of American Political Science Association, 31 August 1985 (panelist)
- "Constitutional Requirements Relating to Taxation Procedures," Symposium on Income Taxation in the Constitutional System of the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany, June 1985
- "A Scholar's View of the Tom C. Clark Papers," Symposium on the Tom C. Clark Papers, 19 March 1985
- "Robert H. Jackson and The Substance of Style," Annual Meetings of American Society for Legal History, 19 October 1984
- "The Emergence of the O'Connor Court?" The University of Chicago Law School Alumni Association, 10 October 1984
- "Civil Rights in the Eighties: A Thirty-Year Perspective," The University of Chicago and the Chicago Urban League, 15 June 1984
- "Owen Fiss on the Burger Court," Federalist Society of The University of Chicago, 20 May 1983 (commentator)
- "Is There Anything Amusing About the History of the Legal Profession in the United States?" After-dinner speech to the Visiting Committee of the Law School at University of Chicago, 16 November 1982
- "The Legal Realism of William O. Douglas," Legal History Workshop at Cornell Law School, 19 March 1982
- "The Supreme Court," Annual Meetings of American Political Science Association, 20 August 1980 (panelist)
- "Voluntary Affirmative Action: The Weber Case," Symposium on Litigation of Equal Employment Discrimination Actions, 23 September 1979 (panelist)
- "Thomas More: Lawyer," Thomas More Symposium, June 1978 (panelist)
- "The Supreme Court and the Press," NYU School of Law, 2 May 1978
Memberships and Professional Affiliations
- Bowdoin College Board of Overseers (1975-present)
- Supreme Court Historical Society
- Eleventh Circuit Historical Society
- Association of American Rhodes Scholars: Class Secretary (1990-present)
Awards and Honors
- AMOCO Foundation Award for Distinguished Contributions to Undergraduate Teaching (1992)
- University of Chicago nominee, Professor of the Year Award (1988 and 1989)
- Llewellyn John and Harriet Manchester Quantrell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, The University of Chicago (1984)
- Summer Stipendary Fellow, American History and Law, National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar (1978)
- President, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha of Maine (1974-1976)
- Co-Chairman, Committee on Resolutions, Memorial Service of the Supreme Court Bar for Byron R. White, (November 18, 2002)
- Co-Director, Institute for Constitutional Studies (June 1999)
- Speaker, The Aims of Education (September 19, 1999)
- Convocation Speaker, The University of Chicago (June 8-9, 1990)
- Panelist, National Endowment for the Humanities (1979-1986)
Editorial Work
- Referee, University of Chicago Press; Oxford University Press
- Editor, The Supreme Court Review (1981-present)
- Consultant, World Book Encyclopedia, Inc.
- Chair, Committee to Review Post-Graduate Scholarships, 2021
- Chair, Clerkship Committee (Law School), from 1995; Chair, 1999-2018
- Program Chairman, Law, Letters & Society, 1992-2018
- Member, Governing Committee, New Collegiate Division, 1982-2018
- Member, Faculty Committee on Readmission to the College, 2010-2014
- Member, Search Committee, Associate Vice-President for Student and Campus Life, 2009-2010
- Member, Board of Student & Campus Life, 2001-2004, Chair, 2002-2004; Member, 2007-2010
- Acting Chairman, Committee on the Analysis of Ideas and the Study of Methods, 2009
- Member, Campus Security and Safety Committee, 2008
- Member, Advisory Committee, Center for Study of the Principles of the American Founding, 2006-2008
- British Scholarships Committee, 1990-1997 (Chair); 2006-2008
- Member, Board of University Publications, 2003-2006
- Chair, Steering Committee, Task Force on Housing, 2002
- Member, Search Committee: College Dean of Students, 2001
- Chair, Search Committee: VP and Dean of Students in the University, 2001
- Chair, College Curriculum Review Drafting Committee, 1997
- Adviser for Marshall Scholarships in the College, 1989-1997
- Member, Task Force on Undergraduate Education, 1994-1995
- Member, Board of Athletics and Recreational Sports, 1991-1994
- Member (appointed), University Council on Teaching, 1989-1994
- Acting Chairman, Tutorial Studies, 1992
- Program Chairman, PERL, 1987-1992
- Chair, Lectureship Review Committee in the College, 1989-1991
- Member (appointed), The College Council, 1982-83, 1988-1991
- Member (elected), Committee of the College Council, 1989-1990
- Program Associate Chairman, PERL (Politics, Economics, Rhetoric and Law), 1982-87