TEDxChicago: We Dare
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2023-10-06 14:00:00
2023-10-06 19:00:00
TEDxChicago: We Dare
Event details: https://www.law.uchicago.edu/events/tedxchicago-we-dare
University of Chicago Law School
Open to the public
There comes a time in every generation when the hazy view of tomorrow challenges us, as a human collective, to chart a path forward. Some step back, allowing doubt to bridle their hope. Others leap, sewing the fiber of the years ahead. In these moments we find success in togetherness as we share ideas, provoke new thoughts, and bond over a common enemy: idleness.
This year, TEDxChicago is celebrating the courage that ignites us and the community which propels us as we hurdle into the world’s most paramount topics. With a rich history of championing togetherness and embracing creativity in times of change, Chicago is poised for this challenge. In 2023, to take the stage means there’s no going back. We dare. Do you?