Algorithmic Fairness and Vertical Equity: Income Fairness with IRS Tax Audit Models

Jacob Goldin 00664582J
www Jacob Goldin, Emily Black, Hadi Elzayn, Alexandra Chouldechova & Daniel E. Ho, "Algorithmic Fairness and Vertical Equity: Income Fairness with IRS Tax Audit Models," 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency 1479 (2022).
00664582J "Algorithmic Fairness and Vertical Equity: Income Fairness with IRS Tax Audit Models," 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency 1479 (2022) (with Emily Black, Hadi Elzayn, Alexandra Chouldechova & Daniel E. Ho). 0
Journal Article