Reforming the Federal Criminal System: Lessons from Litigation

Alison Siegler 60289420F
Erica Zunkel 60126055T
Judith P. Miller 20493244D
Alison Siegler, Judith P. Miller & Erica Zunkel, "Reforming the Federal Criminal System: Lessons from Litigation," 25 The Journal of Gender, Race & Justice 99 (2022).
60289420F "Reforming the Federal Criminal System: Lessons from Litigation," 25 The Journal of Gender, Race & Justice 99 (2022) (with Judith P. Miller & Erica Zunkel). 0
60126055T "Reforming the Federal Criminal System: Lessons from Litigation," 25 The Journal of Gender, Race & Justice 99 (2022) (with Alison Siegler & Judith P. Miller ). 0
20493244D "Reforming the Federal Criminal System: Lessons from Litigation," 25 The Journal of Gender, Race & Justice 99 (2022) (with Alison Siegler & Erica Zunkel). 0
Journal Article