Academic Paper Series & Named Lectures

The Law School is well known for the rigorous and voluminous academic output of its highly respected faculty. Many of the faculty's scholarship is included in our academic paper series and named lectures. 

Coase-Sandor Working Paper Series in Law and Economics

The University of Chicago Coase-Sandor Institute for Law & Economics Research Paper Series publishes papers in law and economics authored by University of Chicago faculty. This Working Paper series ensures that scholars at other institutions keep abreast of what is happening at Chicago's Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics.

Public Law and Legal Theory Working Papers

The Public Law and Legal Theory Working Paper series covers a diverse group of topics, including, but not limited to, constitutional law, statutory interpretation, intellectual property, family law, jurisprudence, civil procedure, voting rights, legal history, criminal law and procedure, privacy, and international law.

Submit papers for consideration for either series to the University of Chicago Law SSRN Working Paper Series Webform.

The Fulton Lectures

The Maurice and Muriel Fulton Lectureship in Legal History was created in 1985 through a gift made by Mr. Fulton, a member of the class of 1942, and his wife Muriel, an alumna of the college. The Fulton Lecture presents a prominent legal historian to speak at the Law School. Many of the Fulton lectures are available as PDFs.

The Coase Lectures

This lecture series, dedicated to the honor of Ronald Coase, began in 1992. The lectures are presented by program faculty and are intended to provide law students and others with an introduction to important techniques and results in law and economics.