News & Media

Mark Heyrman teaching
For four decades, Mark Heyrman fought for clients, shaped mental health policy, promoted clinical legal education—and influenced hundreds of students. It wasn’t the career he originally intended.
Randolph Stone at his retirement party
Professor Randolph Stone Retires After 31 Years in the Mandel Legal Aid Clinic
Michelle Geller in 2018
Clinic Social Worker Michelle Geller to Retire
Tucek, Flores, and Christou
International human rights
How a Law School Clinic Teaches Students to Navigate Complex Human Rights Issues
student arguing during mock trila at ITPW
The Intensive Trial Practice Workshop Celebrates 25 Years
Soia Mentschikoff reformed how the United States does business and led the way for later generations of women in law
Justin Driver and Merrick Garland
Legal education The judiciary
At Least One Law School Alum has Clerked on the Supreme Court Every Year Since 1972