We are Thankful for You
Wishing the Entire Law School Community a Healthy and Safe Thanksgiving

Dear Law School Community,
Every November for the past several years, we've set up a table in the Green Lounge during Coffee Messes to ask our students, faculty, and staff about the things for which they're thankful. We get all sorts of responses: jazz, wool socks, peppermint tea. The five-minute break in the middle of Civ Pro. Friends, family, good health, and, of course, coffee always make the list.
This year, we made a few small requests, but we kept a fairly low profile to keep from adding to everyone's burden. Instead, we simply want to say thank you for indulging us in previous years. We'd like to share a few of this year's responses, as well as some gratitude slideshows from years past.
2019: What Inspires Thanks at the Law School? For Starters: Torts Class, Coffee Refills, Wool Socks, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg
2018: Family, Friends, and Food: The Things that Make Us Thankful
2017: Freedom, Jazz, and Coffee: Some Things for Which We're Thankful
We know this has been an unusual year filled with unexpected challenges. We are grateful, though, for each of you.
Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.
Warmest wishes,
The Office of Communications