Tom Ginsburg on the Khashoggi Investigation and the Complex Rules Governing Foreign Embassies and Consulates

Khashoggi investigation: International law expert discusses complex rules that govern operations of foreign embassies and consulates

In a much-anticipated speech to Parliament, President Erdogan has called on Saudi Arabia to extradite to Turkey 18 suspects so they can stand trial for their crimes.

The Turkish president also urged Saudi Arabia to explain the whereabouts of Jamal Khashoggi's body, but he stopped short of directly accusing the Saudi leadership of involvement in the killing.

The Turkish president's speech contradicts the Saudi account that Jamal Khashoggi was killed after a rogue extradition operation went wrong.

Meanwhile, in a statement, G7 foreign ministers have urged Saudi Arabia to provide a full account of how the Saudi journalist was murdered.

Any investigation will have to navigate a very complex set of rules that govern the operation of foreign embassies and consulates.

ABC's Steve Chase speaks to Tom Ginsburg, Professor of International Law and Political Science at the University of Chicago.

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