Rob Weinstock on the Unresolved Issues in the U.S. Steel Settlement
Organizations: Don't miss the only chance to comment on U.S. Steel settlement
The Surfrider Foundation and Chicago, which each sued U.S. Steel in January but have agreed to put their lawsuits on hold for now, also have criticized the proposed settlement as unfair and inadequate.
Surfrider attorney Rob Weinstock, of the Abrams Environmental Law Clinic at the University of Chicago Law School, said the consent decree is vague about what U.S. Steel is committing to do and leaves much to be decided by future proposals from the steelmaker.
"In fact, it could be after the consent decree is finalized, which is the only time the public can voice concerns and the only time a judge can review the consent decree to determine if it's in the public interest," Weinstock said.
"What we have seen so far continues to leave many questions unanswered and continues to raise many questions," he said.
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