Review of Driver's The Schoolhouse Gate: "A Powerful Book that is Needed Now"
Book Review: The Schoolhouse Gate: Public Education, The Supreme Court, and the Battle for the American Mind, by Justin Driver
As Driver shows throughout, all Americans have a vested interest in what happens in our public schools. It is for that reason that this book is a must read not just for civil rights lawyers and law students, but for all who are involved in educating our children. It is poignant (a small anecdote on a very special thank you that Judge Justice received following his decision in Plyler v. Doe brought a tear to my eye), sometimes funny (a footnote on Three’s Company brought a much-appreciated moment of levity at least to this reader), and always intellectually rigorous. In short, it is a powerful book that is needed now, as we grapple with the role and legitimacy of the Supreme Court.
Read more at Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review