Law Students to Compete in Final Round of the New Venture Challenge
A team led by two Law School students, Soheil Ebadat and Justin Kelley, both ’20, has advanced to final round in the University of Chicago’s Edward L. Kaplan, ’71, New Venture Challenge (NVC). Their company, Airspace, is an end-to-end platform that outsources office management.
Airspace will be among 12 teams competing on June 6 for top honors in the annual competition, which is widely recognized as one of the nation’s top-ranked university accelerator programs. The competition will be livestreamed.
The Airspace leadership team includes two other University of Chicago students: Aditya Gunda, an undergraduate computer science and applied math major who, in addition to being a cofounder, is also the company’s chief technology officer, and Brittany Albrinck, a second-year Booth School of Business student who is Airspace’s director of business development.
Ebadat and Kelley are both students in the Law School’s Doctoroff Business Leadership Program.